Correct Answer: abrasion
Explanation: The removal of material from the surface of the road by grinding or rubbing action is called abrasion. It is a wear process that can occur due to traffic loads and environmental factors.
Correct Answer: fretting
Explanation: The loosening of a wearing surface under the action of traffic or weather, associated with the failure of the binding agent to keep the surface consolidated, is called fretting. Fretting is a form of pavement distress that involves surface degradation.
Correct Answer: picking
Explanation: The loosening of the top surface of a road by pickaxes is called picking. It involves the use of tools, such as pickaxes, to break up and remove the surface layer of the road.
Correct Answer: scarifying
Explanation: The loosening of the top surface of a road by mechanical or other means is called scarifying. Scarifying involves the use of machinery or tools to break up and prepare the road surface for further treatment.
Correct Answer: all of the above
Explanation: The function of the pavement includes providing a smooth riding surface, distributing wheel loads over the soil, and protecting the soil formation from the adverse effects of weather. Pavements serve a multifaceted role in supporting and sustaining road infrastructure.
Correct Answer: quality of the surface course
Explanation: Tyre pressure influences the quality of the surface course in a pavement. The pressure exerted by vehicle tires can impact the durability and performance of the surface layer of the road.
Correct Answer: climate of the region
Explanation: The design of flexible pavements involves considerations such as wheel loads, type and intensity of traffic, climate of the region, and sub-grade conditions. Climate plays a crucial role in determining the appropriate design specifications for flexible pavements.
Correct Answer: a compromise of pure theory and pure empirical formula
Explanation: The design of flexible pavements is based on a compromise of pure theory and pure empirical formula. It involves a combination of theoretical principles and empirical data to arrive at design specifications that suit practical conditions.
Correct Answer: 15 cm
Explanation: The minimum thickness of the base of a flexible pavement is typically 15 cm. This thickness is designed to provide adequate support and stability to the overlying layers of the pavement.
Correct Answer: sub-grade
Explanation: The bottommost component of a flexible pavement is the sub-grade. The sub-grade is the natural soil or aggregate layer beneath the pavement structure and serves as the foundation for the entire pavement system.
Correct Answer: through a set of layers to the sub-grade
Explanation: Flexible pavement distributes the wheel load through a set of layers to the sub-grade. The layers, including the base and sub-base, work together to distribute the load and provide flexibility to the pavement structure.
Correct Answer: over the sub-base
Explanation: In a flexible pavement, the position of the base course is over the sub-base. The typical arrangement is sub-grade, sub-base, base, and wearing course.
Correct Answer: less than
Explanation: The pressure intensity at the sub-grade should be less than the bearing capacity. This helps prevent excessive deformation and failure of the sub-grade under the applied loads.
Correct Answer: all of the above
Explanation: Water-bound macadam road, stabilized soil roads, and roads constructed with various layers of building material well-compacted are all examples of flexible pavements.
Correct Answer: type and intensity of traffic
Explanation: The type and intensity of traffic are crucial factors influencing the selection of pavement type. Different pavement types are suitable for different traffic conditions and loads.
Correct Answer: semi-rigid pavement
Explanation: Cement grouted pavement is classified as semi-rigid pavement. It exhibits properties of both flexible and rigid pavements.
Correct Answer: base course
Explanation: A pavement is classified as flexible or rigid based on its base course. The flexibility or rigidity is determined by the characteristics of the base course in the pavement structure.
Correct Answer: strength of sub-grade
Explanation: The CBR test is used for finding the strength of the sub-grade. It measures the California Bearing Ratio, which is an indicator of the supporting strength of the sub-grade soil.
Correct Answer: wearing course
Explanation: The layer that is directly coming in contact with the traffic is the wearing course. It is the topmost layer of the pavement structure and provides a smooth and durable surface for vehicles.
Correct Answer: cement concrete road
Explanation: The example of rigid pavement is a cement concrete road. Rigid pavements are constructed with a rigid layer, such as concrete, that distributes loads over a wide area.
Correct Answer: any small rifts further widen
Explanation: The drawback of rigid pavement is that any small rifts further widen. Cracks in rigid pavements have the potential to widen over time, leading to issues with the pavement’s performance.
Correct Answer: rigid pavement
Explanation: For iron-wheeled traffic, the best suitable pavement is rigid pavement. Rigid pavements, such as concrete roads, are designed to withstand the concentrated loads imposed by iron-wheeled vehicles.
Correct Answer: R.C.C.
Explanation: Reinforced Cement Concrete (R.C.C.) pavement is suitable for very heavy traffic loads. The inclusion of reinforcement enhances the load-bearing capacity of the pavement.
Correct Answer: concrete road
Explanation: The best road suitable for pneumatic (rubber-tired) and iron-wheeled vehicles is a concrete road. Concrete roads provide a durable and stable surface capable of withstanding heavy loads.
Correct Answer: a combination of all of the above
Explanation: Thickness of a pavement may be reduced considerably by a combination of compaction of soil, stabilization of soil, and drainage of soil. These measures contribute to the overall strength and performance of the pavement structure.
Correct Answer: all of the above
Explanation: The thickness of road surfacing depends on various factors, including the type of traffic, intensity of traffic, and the type of material used. All these factors contribute to the design and durability of the road surface.
Correct Answer: whether the traffic is motor traffic or steel tire traffic or both
Explanation: Character of traffic refers to whether the traffic is motor traffic, steel tire traffic, or a combination of both. It helps in understanding the types of vehicles using the road.
Correct Answer: all of the above
Explanation: Traffic maneuver refers to various movements such as diverging, merging, and crossing of vehicles on the road. All these maneuvers are considered in the design and planning of road facilities.
Correct Answer: 60°
Explanation: The minimum angle for crossing is typically considered as 60°. This angle ensures a safe and smooth crossing of vehicles at intersections.
Correct Answer: all of the above
Explanation: The width of the vehicle influences various design considerations, including the width of lanes, passing sight distance, and the width of shoulders. All these factors are important for safe and efficient traffic flow.
Correct Answer: all of the above
Explanation: The overall length of the vehicle affects turning radii, the time needed to overtake, and the off-tracking of the vehicle. These factors are considered in geometric design to accommodate different vehicle lengths.
Correct Answer: number of traffic per unit width of a traffic way
Explanation: Intensity of traffic is expressed in terms of the number of traffic units per unit width of a traffic way. It helps in quantifying the traffic flow on a particular section of the road.
Correct Answer: estimate the traffic capacity of a road section
Explanation: The moving car observation method is a procedure to estimate the traffic capacity of a road section. It involves observing and recording the movements of vehicles to determine the capacity of the road.
Correct Answer: spot speed
Explanation: An endoscope is used to determine spot speed, which refers to the speed of a vehicle at a specific location. Spot speed measurements help in analyzing the speed characteristics of traffic.
Correct Answer: thirtieth highest hourly volume
Explanation: Highway facilities are designed based on the thirtieth highest hourly volume, which is a measure used in traffic engineering to account for variations in traffic flow over time.
Correct Answer: 98th percentile
Explanation: For highway geometric design purposes, the speed used is often the 98th percentile speed. This means that 98% of vehicles are traveling at or below this speed, providing a design speed that accommodates the majority of traffic.
Correct Answer: 15th percentile
Explanation: The minimum permissible speed on high-speed roads is often decided based on the 15th percentile speed. This ensures that a minimum speed is maintained for safe traffic flow.
Correct Answer: length of the vehicle
Explanation: Traffic density depends on the length of the vehicle. The length of vehicles contributes to the spacing between vehicles and, consequently, the overall traffic density.
Correct Answer: number of vehicles per unit length
Explanation: Traffic density is the number of vehicles per unit length of the traffic way. It provides a measure of how closely vehicles are spaced on the road.
Correct Answer: traffic capacity
Explanation: The maximum number of vehicles that can be expected to pass through a roadway in one hour is called traffic capacity. Traffic capacity is a crucial factor in designing and planning transportation infrastructure.
Correct Answer: traffic density
Explanation: The length of the vehicle affects traffic density, which is the number of vehicles per unit length of the traffic way. Vehicle length contributes to the spacing between vehicles, influencing traffic density.
Correct Answer: width of shoulders
Explanation: The length of the vehicle typically has no direct effect on the width of shoulders. Shoulder width is determined based on other factors such as traffic flow and safety considerations.
Correct Answer: traffic density * Traffic speed
Explanation: Traffic volume is calculated as the product of traffic density and traffic speed. It represents the total number of vehicles passing through a specific point on the roadway in a given time.
Correct Answer: more
Explanation: Traffic capacity is generally greater than traffic volume. Traffic volume represents the actual number of vehicles in a given time, while traffic capacity is the maximum number of vehicles that can be accommodated under prevailing conditions.
Correct Answer: practical capacity
Explanation: Design capacity is also known as practical capacity. It represents the maximum sustainable flow of traffic that a transportation facility can handle under specific conditions.
Correct Answer: cycle
Explanation: The cycle generally has the lowest equivalent Passenger Car Unit (p.c.u.) among the options listed. Equivalent p.c.u. is a measure used to compare the traffic-carrying capacity of different types of vehicles.
Correct Answer: number of lanes to be provided
Explanation: The ratio of peak traffic volume to the capacity of a single lane provides information about the number of lanes to be provided. It is a critical factor in determining the capacity of a roadway.
Correct Answer: all of the above
Explanation: Traffic surveys are conducted for various purposes, including understanding the types of traffic, determining traffic regulations, and designing appropriate infrastructure such as drainage systems.
Correct Answer: origin and destination
Explanation: Traffic census is carried out to study the origin and destination of traffic. It involves collecting data on where trips begin and end, providing insights into travel patterns.
Correct Answer: c=1000v/s
Explanation: The basic capacity of a lane is given by the formula c = 1000v/s, where v is the velocity of the moving vehicle, and s is the stopping distance plus the average length of the vehicle in meters.
Correct Answer: 2000 vehicles per day
Explanation: The basic capacity of a traffic lane can be calculated using the given formula. In this case, the result is 2000 vehicles per day.
Correct Answer: limited numbers of traffic signs
Explanation: For effective traffic control, it is generally advisable to adopt a limited number of well-placed traffic signs. An excessive number of signs can lead to confusion, and it’s important to prioritize essential signs.
Correct Answer: all of the above
Explanation: Road furniture includes various elements such as informatory boards, warning signs, and other features that contribute to the guidance and safety of road users.
Correct Answer: warning sign
Explanation: “Level Crossing” is a warning sign. Warning signs are used to alert drivers to specific hazards or conditions ahead, and in this case, it warns about a level crossing.
Correct Answer: 2 m above the level of the carriageway
Explanation: Signs are typically mounted so that the lower edge of the sign plate is about 2 meters above the level of the carriageway for effective visibility by drivers.
Correct Answer: prohibitory sign
Explanation: A road sign indicating ‘No Parking’ is a prohibitory sign. Prohibitory signs convey restrictions or prohibitions to road users.
Correct Answer: mandatory sign
Explanation: A road sign indicating ‘Keep Left’ is a mandatory sign, instructing drivers to keep to the left side of the road.
Correct Answer: informatory sign
Explanation: A road sign indicating parking for four vehicles is an informatory sign. Informatory signs provide information to road users.
Correct Answer: flexible progressive system
Explanation: The most efficient traffic signal system is the flexible progressive system, which adapts to varying traffic conditions to optimize signal timings.
Correct Answer: orderly movement of vehicles
Explanation: An advantage of a traffic signal is the orderly movement of vehicles. Traffic signals provide a controlled and organized flow of traffic.
Correct Answer: traffic signal
Explanation: “Fixed delay” is found in roads due to traffic signals. Fixed delay is the delay experienced by vehicles at a traffic signal, and it is a constant value.
Correct Answer: be ready to go
Explanation: Yellow color of a colored light traffic signal indicates that drivers should be ready to go. It serves as a warning that the signal is about to change.
Correct Answer: stop
Explanation: Red color of a colored light traffic signal indicates that drivers should stop. It signals a complete halt.
Correct Answer: go
Explanation: Green color of a colored light traffic signal indicates that drivers can proceed. It signals the permission to move.
Correct Answer: 45 cm
Explanation: The length of the side of warning sign boards on roads is typically 45 cm. Warning signs are designed with standardized dimensions for visibility and recognition.
Correct Answer: from left and right
Explanation: In the case of a multi-lane road, overtaking is generally permitted from both the left and right sides, depending on the traffic conditions and road regulations.
Correct Answer: grade separation
Explanation: When roads do not cross each other at the same level and one road crosses either above or below the other with the help of an over-bridge or sub-way, it is called grade separation.
Correct Answer: number of conflicting points reduces to nil
Explanation: The advantage of grade separation is that the number of conflicting points reduces to nil. It minimizes the potential for collisions between intersecting roads.
Correct Answer: intersecting roads are between 4 and 7
Explanation: A traffic rotary is suitable where intersecting roads are between 4 and 7. Traffic rotaries are designed to efficiently manage traffic flow at intersections.
Correct Answer: no waiting by traffic
Explanation: The advantage of a rotary is that traffic is in continuous motion, and there is no waiting by traffic. Vehicles can flow smoothly through the rotary without coming to a complete stop.
Correct Answer: 500 per hour
Explanation: The minimum number of vehicles for the position of a traffic rotary is typically considered to be around 500 vehicles per hour.
Correct Answer: 5000 vehicles per hour
Explanation: Rotaries are not suitable if the number of vehicles exceeds a certain limit. According to AASHO (American Association of State Highway Officials), this limit is often around 5000 vehicles per hour.
Correct Answer: merging and diverging
Explanation: The traffic conflicts that may occur in a rotary intersection are typically merging and diverging conflicts. These conflicts involve vehicles entering and exiting the rotary.
Correct Answer: island
Explanation: A subsidiary area in a carriageway placed to control the movement of traffic is known as an island. Islands are often used to guide traffic and provide a safe area for pedestrians.
Correct Answer: all of the above
Explanation: Intensity of traffic classified as light can vary, but it is generally considered to be in the range of 100 to 160 vehicles per meter width per day.
Correct Answer: 500 t/m width/day
Explanation: Intensity of traffic, which may not be classified as medium, is often considered to be around 500 vehicles per meter width per day.
Correct Answer: 300-500 t/m width/day
Explanation: Intensity of traffic for bituminous carpet roads is typically in the range of 300-500 vehicles per meter width per day.
Correct Answer: 1400 tones per day
Explanation: The maximum daily traffic capacity of bituminous pavement is often considered to be around 1400 tons per day.
Correct Answer: traffic island
Explanation: The raised areas constructed within the roadway to establish physical channels through which traffic may be guided are called traffic islands.
Correct Answer: reduced number of conflicting points
Explanation: An advantage of a one-way traffic system is the reduced number of conflicting points. It can lead to smoother traffic flow and fewer points where vehicles conflict with each other.
Correct Answer: yellow
Explanation: The color of lights used for visibility during fog is typically yellow. Yellow light has longer wavelengths and scatters less in foggy conditions, providing better visibility.
Correct Answer: urban roads
Explanation: Parking lanes are typically provided on urban roads to accommodate parked vehicles. They are designated areas along the side of the road for parking.
Correct Answer: right-angle parking
Explanation: The maximum number of vehicles can be parked with right-angle parking. This parking arrangement allows for more efficient use of available space.
Correct Answer: parallel parking
Explanation: When the width of the street and kerb parking space is limited, the system generally preferred is parallel parking. It requires less space compared to other parking arrangements.
Correct Answer: 75° to aisles
Explanation: Customers often prefer parking their vehicles at a 75° angle to aisles. This angle allows for easier entry and exit from parking spaces.
Correct Answer: 45°
Explanation: A 45° parking angle is often considered the best as it allows for efficient use of parking space while providing relatively easy entry and exit for vehicles.
Correct Answer: 0.57
Explanation: The ratio of the width of the car parking area required at the kerb for 30° parking relative to 60° parking is approximately 0.57. This means that 30° parking requires less width compared to 60° parking.
Correct Answer: plain
Explanation: If the cross slope of a country is up to 10%, the terrain is classified as plain. This indicates a relatively flat or gently sloping landscape.
Correct Answer: rolling
Explanation: If the cross slope of a country is 10% to 25%, the terrain is classified as rolling. This suggests a landscape with moderate slopes.
Correct Answer: steep
Explanation: If the cross slope of the terrain is more than 60%, it is classified as steep. This indicates a rugged and steep landscape.
Correct Answer: reconnaissance
Explanation: The first stage of deciding the alignment of a hill road is reconnaissance. This involves a preliminary exploration of the area to gather information about the terrain and potential alignment options.
Correct Answer: fully on the inner side of the curve
Explanation: In hill roads, the extra widening is generally provided fully on the inner side of the curve. This helps accommodate the turning radius of vehicles on the curved sections.
Correct Answer: stopping sight distance
Explanation: In hill roads, the minimum sight distance required is stopping sight distance. This is the distance needed for a driver to bring the vehicle to a stop under specific conditions.
Correct Answer: 60 m
Explanation: The minimum distance between two hairpin bends, when a number of hairpin bends are introduced, is typically around 60 meters. This provides enough space for smooth vehicle maneuvering.
Correct Answer: breast wall
Explanation: A wall constructed to retain the earth from slippage on the hillside of a roadway is called a breast wall.
Correct Answer: retaining wall
Explanation: The wall constructed on the side of the hill slope to resist the pressure of earth filling and traffic load of the road is known as a retaining wall.
Correct Answer: weep holes
Explanation: 10 to 20 cm diameter holes provided in a retaining structure to drain off the seepage flow are known as weep holes.
Correct Answer: 15 m
Explanation: On a hill road, the radius of the curve should not be less than 15 meters. This ensures safe and smooth navigation of the road.
Correct Answer: catch water drains
Explanation: The drains constructed on the up slope of hillsides are known as catch water drains. These drains help in controlling water runoff and preventing soil erosion.
Correct Answer: a good road drainage system
Explanation: The efficiency and life of a hill road can be considerably increased by providing a good road drainage system. Proper drainage helps prevent erosion and structural damage to the road.
FAQs on Highway Engineering MCQs for Civil Engineers
▸ What are some essential topics covered in Highway Engineering MCQs for Civil Engineers?
Highway Engineering MCQs for Civil Engineers typically cover topics such as road design principles, traffic management, pavement materials, geometric design, highway drainage, and traffic safety measures. Understanding these areas is crucial for civil engineers working on highway projects.
▸ Where can I find comprehensive Highway Engineering MCQs for Civil Engineers?
You can find a wide range of Highway Engineering MCQs for Civil Engineers on This website offers well-curated MCQs along with detailed explanations to help you prepare effectively for exams and interviews.
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Highway Engineering MCQs on are designed to cover a broad spectrum of topics relevant to civil engineering. They are crafted to provide a deep understanding of highway engineering concepts and are accompanied by detailed explanations, ensuring comprehensive preparation.
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On, Highway Engineering MCQs are structured in a series of posts, each containing 100 MCQs. These are divided into pages within each post for ease of navigation. The website also features clear navigation buttons at the top of each post to help you access different parts quickly.
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▸ What types of questions are included in Highway Engineering MCQs on
The Highway Engineering MCQs on include questions on topics such as road alignment, pavement design, traffic flow analysis, and road construction materials. Each question is designed to test both theoretical knowledge and practical application of highway engineering principles.
▸ How can I improve my knowledge of Highway Engineering using MCQs from
Improving your knowledge of Highway Engineering can be achieved by regularly practicing the MCQs available on Engage with the detailed explanations provided for each question to deepen your understanding and apply the concepts effectively in real-world scenarios.
▸ Are there any mock tests available for Highway Engineering on
Yes, offers mock tests for Highway Engineering that simulate real exam conditions. These mock tests are designed to help you assess your preparation and identify areas that need improvement.
▸ What resources are recommended for studying Highway Engineering effectively?
For effective study of Highway Engineering, refer to textbooks like ‘Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis’ by Fred L. Mannering and Scott S. Washburn. Additionally, utilizing MCQs and mock tests from can significantly enhance your preparation and understanding of key concepts.