Home» Online Test » Astronomy » Black Hole Online Test 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This 'Black Hole Online Test' covers questions across all the topics related to the Black Holes. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 30 Time Allotted: 30 minutes Passing Score: 50% Randomization: Yes Certificate: Yes Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 30 1. What is the fate of a star much more massive than the Sun after it exhausts its nuclear fuel? a) It becomes a red giant b) It forms a white dwarf c) It collapses into a black hole d) It turns into a brown dwarf 2 / 30 2. What is the name of the boundary around a black hole beyond which nothing can escape, as predicted by general relativity? a) Event Horizon b) Singularity c) Photon Sphere d) Accretion Disk 3 / 30 3. How does a red giant form? a) By the fusion of hydrogen in the outer layers b) By the collapse of a neutron star c) By the expansion of a star after exhausting core hydrogen d) By the merger of two white dwarfs 4 / 30 4. What property of black hole mergers allows scientists to observe them using gravitational wave detectors? a) Their bright visible light emissions b) Their strong X-ray emissions c) Their rapid expansion d) Their distortion of spacetime 5 / 30 5. Which type of black hole is the smallest? a) Supermassive Black Hole b) Stellar Black Hole c) Intermediate Black Hole d) Primordial Black Hole 6 / 30 6. What process leads to the formation of a stellar-mass black hole? a) The collapse of a white dwarf b) The collision of two neutron stars c) The supernova explosion of a massive star d) The fusion of hydrogen atoms 7 / 30 7. What is the main advantage of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) over existing space telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope? a) Larger primary mirror for higher resolution imaging b) Ability to observe in ultraviolet wavelengths c) Longer operational lifespan in space d) Higher sensitivity to infrared radiation 8 / 30 8. What effect does the gravitational redshift have on light emitted from near a black hole? a) It shifts the light toward the blue end of the spectrum b) It shifts the light toward the red end of the spectrum c) It increases the intensity of the light d) It polarizes the light 9 / 30 9. What property of a black hole is inferred from the observation of its X-ray emissions? a) Spin b) Charge c) Temperature d) Mass accretion rate 10 / 30 10. What instrument was used by astronomers to make the discovery of the disk of gas around Sagittarius A* in 2020? a) Hubble Space Telescope b) Chandra X-ray Observatory c) Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) d) Very Large Telescope (VLT) 11 / 30 11. What is the typical end state of a star with a mass greater than 20 solar masses after it exhausts its nuclear fuel? a) White dwarf b) Neutron star c) Stellar-mass black hole d) Red giant 12 / 30 12. What is a black hole? a) A region of space with extremely high density b) A star that has exploded c) A planet with a massive gravitational field d) A galaxy that emits no light 13 / 30 13. Which space observatory has contributed to the search for intermediate-mass black holes through X-ray observations? a) Hubble Space Telescope b) Chandra X-ray Observatory c) James Webb Space Telescope d) Spitzer Space Telescope 14 / 30 14. Why are primordial black holes considered a potential candidate for dark matter? a) They emit large amounts of light b) They are difficult to detect directly c) They have high temperatures d) They are found in large numbers in galaxies 15 / 30 15. Which famous black hole was imaged for the first time in 2019, revealing its shadow against the surrounding glowing gas? a) Cygnus X-1 b) Sagittarius A* c) M87's Supermassive Black Hole d) V404 Cygni 16 / 30 16. What is the final stage of a black hole's evaporation, according to Hawking's theory? a) Formation of a neutron star b) Disintegration into subatomic particles c) Explosion as a gamma-ray burst d) Collapse into a singularity 17 / 30 17. What is a supernova? a) The explosion of a star b) The collapse of a galaxy c) The formation of a planet d) The birth of a star 18 / 30 18. What property of a black hole is directly related to its gravitational influence and determines the size of its event horizon? a) Mass b) Temperature c) Charge d) Spin 19 / 30 19. What is the current status of Hawking Radiation and black hole evaporation in theoretical physics? a) It has been proven experimentally b) It remains a theoretical prediction c) It has been disproven by observational evidence d) It is considered irrelevant to modern physics 20 / 30 20. What is the initial stage of a star's life cycle? a) Red Giant b) Main Sequence c) Nebula d) White Dwarf 21 / 30 21. What did astronomers observe in 2019 that provided evidence for a second population of black holes in the Milky Way? a) Gamma-ray bursts from black hole mergers b) X-ray emissions from a new black hole binary system c) Gravitational waves from a black hole-neutron star merger d) Fast radio bursts from a magnetar near the galactic center 22 / 30 22. What is the name of the radio source associated with Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way? a) Cygnus X-1 b) V404 Cygni c) Cassiopeia A d) Sagittarius A* 23 / 30 23. What phenomenon occurs when a black hole absorbs a nearby star or gas cloud, causing a sudden increase in brightness observed from Earth? a) Stellar explosion b) Supernova c) Gamma-ray burst d) Tidal disruption event 24 / 30 24. What was the first black hole to be discovered and confirmed through observational evidence? a) Cygnus X-1 b) M87's Supermassive Black Hole c) Sagittarius A* d) V404 Cygni 25 / 30 25. Which method involves looking for X-ray emissions to identify potential intermediate-mass black holes? a) X-ray spectral analysis b) Radio wave observations c) Infrared spectroscopy d) Ultraviolet imaging 26 / 30 26. How might primordial black holes influence the formation of structures in the early universe? a) By initiating galaxy formation b) By preventing star formation c) By scattering interstellar matter d) By acting as seeds for the formation of galaxies 27 / 30 27. Why are primordial black holes an important area of research in cosmology? a) They are the main source of cosmic rays b) They may offer explanations for the nature of dark matter c) They are the most common type of black hole d) They directly influence the orbits of planets 28 / 30 28. Where are intermediate-mass black holes often hypothesized to exist? a) In the center of galaxies b) In globular clusters c) In the outer regions of galaxies d) In intergalactic space 29 / 30 29. Which of the following is a property that black holes can possess? a) Mass b) Charge c) Angular Momentum d) All of the above 30 / 30 30. What is the name of the black hole system that produced the first-ever observed gravitational waves, detected in 2015? a) Cygnus X-1 b) V404 Cygni c) GW170817 d) GW150914 Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Black Hole MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)