Civil Engineering Online Exam

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This 'Civil Engineering Online Exam' covers questions across all civil engineering topics. (Hard)

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  • Total Questions: 40
  • Time Allotted: 30 minutes
  • Passing Score: 70%
  • Randomization: Yes
  • Certificate: Yes
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1 / 40

1. Expansion Joint in a building is generally provided if the length of concrete exceeds:

2 / 40

2. To prevent segregation, the maximum height for placing concrete is:

3 / 40

3. Point of contraflexure is a point where bending moment

4 / 40

4. Minimum side lap required for asbestos cement sheets is

5 / 40

5. Full payment of the contractor is done

6 / 40

6. In a topographic drawing, the symbols while artificial works are drawn by:

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7. *Which of the following has the maximum water application efficiency?

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8. Most of the works related to measurement of items and making entry to the measurement book is initiated by:

9 / 40

9. Fixed delay is found in roads due to

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10. Which of the following is not a tool used in laying a brick wall?

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11. In PERT, pessimistic time is:

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12. The difference in ordinate of the shear force between any two sections is equal to the area under

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13. A 100 m long line making 30° with the vertical shows its projection on the horizontal:

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14. The peak water consumption hours as recommended by the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS) is.... hours.

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15. What will happen if an induction motor pump is run under significantly low voltage continually?

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16. The types of survey in which fieldwork and plotting proceed simultaneously are:

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17. The techniques for free-hand sketch to drawing a circle is:

18 / 40

18. The silicious and aluminous minerals themselves, which do not have cementitious qualities but which react with lime in the presence of water at normal temperature to form cementitious compounds, are known as

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19. A doubly reinforced beam is used

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20. The minimum depth of the building foundation in:

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21. The contour lines merge or cross one another on the map in the case of

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22. *Quick lime is obtained from the burning of

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23. Earliest finish time of an activity is always:

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24. In a beam section, if the steel reinforcement is of such a magnitude that the permissible stresses in concrete and steel are developed simultaneously, the section is known as

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25. A beam simply supported at ends is subjected to load. The maximum bending moment is located where

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26. Minimum spacing between horizontal parallel reinforcements of different sizes should not be less than

27 / 40

27. The closing error is given by

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28. Chazy's formula is used to determine

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29. The depressions and undulations in the pavement of the runway are caused due to

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30. The method of design of flexible pavements as recommended by Nepal Road Standard is:

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31. *Drain over the irrigation canal is achieved by providing

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32. Minimum size of the pipe connected to the septic tank is

33 / 40

33. *Seasoning of timber is essential to remove

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34. *A deep well

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35. *Pressure head is given by

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36. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O.), the runway lengths of aerodromes have been coded by

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37. The angle of internal friction depends upon

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38. Red color of a colored light traffic signal indicates

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39. Hydraulic gradient line and total energy line are

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40. The coefficient of earth pressure for loose sand having an angle of internal friction of 30° is:

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