Home» Online Test » Civil Engineering » Online Exam 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This 'Civil Engineering Online Exam' covers questions across all civil engineering topics. (Hard) Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 40 Time Allotted: 30 minutes Passing Score: 70% Randomization: Yes Certificate: Yes Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 40 1. The square root of the variance is known as: a) Deviation b) Standard deviation c) Mode d) None of the above 2 / 40 2. Freehand drawing is done for: a) Generate new idea b) To make correction c) Both (a) and (b) of above d) None of the above 3 / 40 3. The capacity of a flushing cistern is normally a) 12 to 15 litres b) 20 to 25 litres c) 30 to 40 litres d) 1 to 5 litres 4 / 40 4. The coefficient of earth pressure for loose sand having an angle of internal friction of 30° is: a) 0.5 b) 1/3 c) 3 d) 1 5 / 40 5. Conical surface of the approach area rises outwards a) 1 in 10 b) 1 in 15 c) 1 in 20 d) 1 in 25 6 / 40 6. The types of instrument generally used in the survey of gravity water supply system are: a) abney level b) dumpy level c) theodolite d) clinometer 7 / 40 7. The closing error is given by a) √(ΣL^2+ΣD^2) b) √((ΣL+ΣD))^2 c) ΣL^2 +ΣD^2 d) none of the above 8 / 40 8. Runway is designed on the basis of a) Runway length b) Types of aircraft c) Types of airport d) Nose gear 9 / 40 9. For economical design of a gravity dam, the shear friction factor should be a) 0.65 b) 1 c) between 1 and 2 d) none of the above 10 / 40 10. In a topographic drawing, the symbols while artificial works are drawn by: a) Free hand b) Mechanically c) Both (a) and (b) of above d) None of the above 11 / 40 11. Minimum spacing between horizontal parallel reinforcements of the same size should not be less than a) one diameter b) two diameters c) three diameters d) four diameters 12 / 40 12. The first stage of deciding the alignment of a hill road is a) reconnaissance b) preliminary survey c) trace cut d) detailed survey 13 / 40 13. *The discharge passing through the crest having a length of 1.25m, a height of the flow of water 0.25m, and Cd = 0.035 is a) 0.0116 cm³/sec b) 0.116 cm³/sec c) 0.0160 cm³/sec d) 0.00116 cm³/sec 14 / 40 14. *The imaginary line joining each head of water is called a) hydraulic gradient line b) residual line c) loss of gradient line d) none of the above 15 / 40 15. *Quick lime is obtained from the burning of a) kankar b) limestone c) slaked lime d) white lime 16 / 40 16. When a pyramid or cone is cut by a cutting plane parallel to its base, the remaining portion thus obtained after removing the top portion is called: a) A prism b) A frustum c) A cylinder d) None of these 17 / 40 17. The proportion of silt per unit volume by weight in water is called a) silt density b) silt charge c) silt factor d) none of the above 18 / 40 18. A doubly reinforced beam is used a) when extra safety factor is required b) when the depth and width of the beam are restricted c) when the depth of the beam is more than the width d) a large moment of resistance is desired 19 / 40 19. The angle of internal friction depends upon a) Particle shape and roughness b) Normal direct pressure c) The amount of interlocking d) All of the above 20 / 40 20. Under strap footing, individual footings are connected by: a) PCC beam b) strap beam c) column d) raft 21 / 40 21. In the two-pipe system of plumbing, the number of vertical pipes is: a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 22 / 40 22. The final technical authority of a project is: a) Chief engineer (DG) b) Assistant engineer c) Executive engineer d) Superintending engineer 23 / 40 23. The rate of an item of work depends a) Specifications of works b) Specifications of materials c) Method of construction d) All of the above 24 / 40 24. The well foundation is normally used under: a) Industrial buildings b) Structures on river beds c) Tall buildings d) Offshore wells 25 / 40 25. The slope of the curve of S.F. diagram at any section will be equal to a) the slope of loading at that section b) the ordinate of loading diagram at that section c) the area of loading diagram from end to that section d) the bending moment at that section 26 / 40 26. The bending moment in a cable carrying a system of loads will be a) zero at all point b) minimum at the center c) maximum at the center d) none of the above 27 / 40 27. The cement-sand mortar preferred in load-bearing walls is: a) 1:02 b) 1:04 c) 1:08 d) 1:06 28 / 40 28. In a singly reinforced beam a) compression is borne entirely by concrete b) steel possesses initial stresses when embedded in concrete c) plane sections transverse to the center line of the beam before bending remain plane sections after bending d) elastic modulii for concrete and steel have different values within the limits of deformation of the beam 29 / 40 29. A bridge whose center line is not at right angles to the stream flow is known as a) tilting bridge b) wing bridge c) angle bridge d) skew bridge 30 / 40 30. *Oil varnish generally consists of a) resin, oil, and turpentine b) oil, wax, and resin c) synthetic resin and spirit d) spirit, oil, and wax 31 / 40 31. To prevent segregation, the maximum height for placing concrete is: a) 100 cm b) 125 cm c) 150 cm d) 200 cm 32 / 40 32. The minimum distance between two hairpin bends, when a number of hairpin bends are introduced, is a) 30 m b) 60 m c) 90 m d) 120 m 33 / 40 33. Earliest finish time of an activity is always: a) Equal to or more than the earliest event time of the following node b) Equal to or less than the earliest event time of the following node c) More than the earliest time of the following node d) None of the above 34 / 40 34. Hydraulic gradient line and total energy line are a) same b) different c) differ by pressure head d) differ by static head 35 / 40 35. Minimum size of the pipe connected to the septic tank is a) 50 mm b) 100 mm c) 150 mm d) 200 mm 36 / 40 36. A weir constructed to divert part or all of the water from the stream into a different course is called a) free weir b) intake weir c) submerged weir d) none of the above 37 / 40 37. *What is the essential constituent of varnish paint? a) linseed oil b) resin c) zinc sulfate d) soda 38 / 40 38. A series of straight, parallel, and widely spaced contours on a map represent a a) valley b) ridge c) curved surface d) inclined plane surface 39 / 40 39. What will happen if an induction motor pump is run under significantly low voltage continually? a) Less water is pumped b) High energy will be consumed, increasing the energy bill c) The motor will make loud noise d) The motor will ultimately burn-out 40 / 40 40. *Moment of inertia of an object having rectangular section of 'b' as width and 'd' as depth is given by: a) bd^3/12 b) bd^2/24 c) b^2d^2/12 d) db^3/24 Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. 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