Civil Engineering Online Exam

Created by 37fdd4228dab83e2f2bdee26b19f1560?s=32&d=monsterid&r=g gkaimVikash chaudhary

This 'Civil Engineering Online Exam' covers questions across all civil engineering topics. (Hard)

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  • Total Questions: 40
  • Time Allotted: 30 minutes
  • Passing Score: 70%
  • Randomization: Yes
  • Certificate: Yes
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1 / 40

1. The square root of the variance is known as:

2 / 40

2. Freehand drawing is done for:

3 / 40

3. The capacity of a flushing cistern is normally

4 / 40

4. The coefficient of earth pressure for loose sand having an angle of internal friction of 30° is:

5 / 40

5. Conical surface of the approach area rises outwards

6 / 40

6. The types of instrument generally used in the survey of gravity water supply system are:

7 / 40

7. The closing error is given by

8 / 40

8. Runway is designed on the basis of

9 / 40

9. For economical design of a gravity dam, the shear friction factor should be

10 / 40

10. In a topographic drawing, the symbols while artificial works are drawn by:

11 / 40

11. Minimum spacing between horizontal parallel reinforcements of the same size should not be less than

12 / 40

12. The first stage of deciding the alignment of a hill road is

13 / 40

13. *The discharge passing through the crest having a length of 1.25m, a height of the flow of water 0.25m, and Cd = 0.035 is

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14. *The imaginary line joining each head of water is called

15 / 40

15. *Quick lime is obtained from the burning of

16 / 40

16. When a pyramid or cone is cut by a cutting plane parallel to its base, the remaining portion thus obtained after removing the top portion is called:

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17. The proportion of silt per unit volume by weight in water is called

18 / 40

18. A doubly reinforced beam is used

19 / 40

19. The angle of internal friction depends upon

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20. Under strap footing, individual footings are connected by:

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21. In the two-pipe system of plumbing, the number of vertical pipes is:

22 / 40

22. The final technical authority of a project is:

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23. The rate of an item of work depends

24 / 40

24. The well foundation is normally used under:

25 / 40

25. The slope of the curve of S.F. diagram at any section will be equal to

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26. The bending moment in a cable carrying a system of loads will be

27 / 40

27. The cement-sand mortar preferred in load-bearing walls is:

28 / 40

28. In a singly reinforced beam

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29. A bridge whose center line is not at right angles to the stream flow is known as

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30. *Oil varnish generally consists of

31 / 40

31. To prevent segregation, the maximum height for placing concrete is:

32 / 40

32. The minimum distance between two hairpin bends, when a number of hairpin bends are introduced, is

33 / 40

33. Earliest finish time of an activity is always:

34 / 40

34. Hydraulic gradient line and total energy line are

35 / 40

35. Minimum size of the pipe connected to the septic tank is

36 / 40

36. A weir constructed to divert part or all of the water from the stream into a different course is called

37 / 40

37. *What is the essential constituent of varnish paint?

38 / 40

38. A series of straight, parallel, and widely spaced contours on a map represent a

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39. What will happen if an induction motor pump is run under significantly low voltage continually?

40 / 40

40. *Moment of inertia of an object having rectangular section of 'b' as width and 'd' as depth is given by:

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