Home» Online Test » Religious Texts » Mahabharata Online Test 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This 'Mahabharata Online Test' covers questions on various Mahabharata characters, including Krishna, Karna, Arjuna, Bhima, Draupadi, and more. The lessons encompass humanity, loyalty, patience, strength, beliefs, and friendship. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 30 Time Allotted: 30 minutes Passing Score: 50% Randomization: Yes Certificate: Yes Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 30 1. Who among the Pandavas ascends to heaven first in the Swargarohanika Parva? a) Yudhishthira b) Bhima c) Arjuna d) Nakula 2 / 30 2. How does Yudhishthira exemplify adherence to Dharma throughout the Mahabharata? a) By prioritizing his personal ambitions over societal welfare b) By consistently upholding principles of righteousness and morality c) By engaging in deceitful tactics to achieve his goals d) By disregarding the advice of wise counsel 3 / 30 3. What role does Dwaraka play during the events leading up to the Mahabharata War? a) It serves as the battleground for the war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. b) It is where the Pandavas seek refuge during their exile. c) It is where the Kauravas plot against the Pandavas. d) It is where Lord Krishna offers guidance and support to the Pandavas. 4 / 30 4. What does Lord Krishna teach Arjuna about the nature of the self (Atman) in the Bhagavad Gita? a) The self is eternal and indestructible, beyond birth and death. b) The self is perishable and subject to change, like the physical body. c) The self is an illusion, created by the mind and senses. d) The self is identical to the material world, comprising the elements of nature. 5 / 30 5. What moral lesson can be learned from Krishna's ability to maintain equanimity in the face of adversity? a) Emotions should always dictate decision-making. b) Maintaining composure and balance is essential in navigating life's challenges. c) Expressing vulnerability and uncertainty is a sign of weakness. d) Ignoring emotions is the key to achieving enlightenment. 6 / 30 6. What moral lesson can be learned from Krishna's role as a mediator and peacemaker? a) Conflict and violence are inevitable in human interactions. b) Diplomacy and negotiation can resolve even the most contentious disputes. c) The use of force is always preferable to peaceful resolution. d) Avoiding conflict is the best course of action, regardless of the circumstances. 7 / 30 7. Which scientific discipline studies the linguistic evolution of Sanskrit texts to establish the antiquity of the Mahabharata? a) Linguistics b) Genetics c) Archaeology d) Geology 8 / 30 8. What disguise did the Pandavas assume during their exile in Matsya? a) Ascetics b) Merchants c) Brahmins d) Servants 9 / 30 9. Who was the commander of the Kaurava army after Bhishma fell in the Kurukshetra War? a) Dronacharya b) Karna c) Duryodhana d) Shalya 10 / 30 10. What was Yudhishthira's final test before reaching heaven? a) A test of his wisdom and knowledge of Dharma b) A test of his strength and valor in battle c) A test of his devotion and piety towards the gods d) A test of his ability to overcome attachment to worldly desires 11 / 30 11. What dilemma does Arjuna face at the beginning of the Bhagavad Gita? a) Whether to fight or flee from the battlefield b) Whether to follow his duty as a warrior or renounce violence c) Whether to seek revenge or pursue reconciliation with the Kauravas d) Whether to ally with Krishna or join forces with the Pandavas 12 / 30 12. Which Yadava king rules over the city of Dwaraka in the Mahabharata? a) Balarama b) Satyaki c) Ugrasena d) Krishna 13 / 30 13. What moral dilemma does Shakuni face regarding his loyalty to his family and kingdom in the Mahabharata? a) Whether to support Duryodhana's unjust actions or oppose them b) Whether to prioritize his personal ambitions over the welfare of his kingdom c) Whether to betray his family for personal gain or remain loyal to them d) Whether to seek reconciliation with the Pandavas or continue fostering enmity 14 / 30 14. What led to the exile of the Pandavas from Hastinapura? a) Yudhishthira's defeat in the game of dice b) Draupadi's humiliation in the Kuru court c) Duryodhana's envy and animosity towards the Pandavas d) All of the above 15 / 30 15. What moral conflict does Karna experience regarding his loyalty to Duryodhana in the Mahabharata? a) Whether to reveal his true identity as a Kshatriya or continue supporting Duryodhana b) Whether to abandon his allegiance to Duryodhana and join the Pandavas c) Whether to disclose the truth about his birth to his brothers, the Pandavas d) Whether to follow his conscience and refuse to participate in the war 16 / 30 16. Which passage from the Mahabharata narrates the disrobing of Draupadi in the Kaurava court? a) Draupadi Vastraharanam b) Draupadi Swayamvara c) Draupadi Parajaya d) Draupadi Pratigya 17 / 30 17. What does Lord Krishna reveal to Arjuna about the nature of the self (Atman) in the Bhagavad Gita? a) The self is mortal and subject to birth and death. b) The self is an illusion, created by the mind and senses. c) The self is identical to the material body and mind. d) The self is eternal and indestructible, beyond birth and death. 18 / 30 18. What evidence from hydrology and hydrography supports the historicity of the Mahabharata? a) Geological studies indicating the presence of ancient rivers mentioned in the Mahabharata. b) Analysis of sedimentation patterns in regions associated with the epic's events. c) Hydrological models reconstructing ancient river systems described in the Mahabharata. d) Documentation of flood events corresponding to the Mahabharata period. 19 / 30 19. What ethical principle does Yudhishthira uphold by respecting the advice of Krishna during the Kurukshetra War? a) Integrity and honesty in leadership b) Loyalty to family above all else c) Obedience to divine guidance and wisdom d) Personal autonomy and decision-making 20 / 30 20. What historical evidence exists in the form of inscriptions related to the Mahabharata? a) Inscriptions found in Hastinapura mentioning the Pandavas and Kauravas. b) Ancient texts written by contemporary historians describing the war. c) Inscriptions on temple walls depicting scenes from the Mahabharata. d) Epigraphic records mentioning rulers and events from the Mahabharata period. 21 / 30 21. What did Dushasana attempt to do to Draupadi in the court? a) He attempted to disrobe her in front of the assembly. b) He tried to force her to apologize to the Kauravas. c) He demanded her submission to Duryodhana. d) He threatened her with exile. 22 / 30 22. Which city is the capital of the Kuru Kingdom in the Mahabharata? a) Indraprastha b) Kashi c) Hastinapura d) Mathura 23 / 30 23. What ethical dilemma does Arjuna face regarding his duty to fight against his own kin during the Kurukshetra War? a) Whether to prioritize familial bonds over duty to righteousness. b) Whether to negotiate peace instead of engaging in war. c) Whether to seek forgiveness for past wrongs or continue the cycle of violence. d) Whether to follow his own moral code or obey Krishna's commands. 24 / 30 24. How do the Pandavas meet their end in the Swargarohanika Parva? a) They die in a battle with demons. b) They succumb to old age and illness. c) They ascend to heaven in their physical forms. d) They are blessed with immortality by the gods. 25 / 30 25. What astronomical evidence supports the dating of the Mahabharata war? a) Mentions of celestial events in the Mahabharata align with astronomical observations. b) Astronomical calculations based on planetary positions during the war. c) Ancient star maps depicting scenes from the Mahabharata found in archaeological sites. d) Recorded observations of comets and meteors corresponding to the war period. 26 / 30 26. Which Pandava killed Kichaka, the commander of King Virata's forces, during their exile in Matsya? a) Bhima b) Arjuna c) Yudhishthira d) Nakula 27 / 30 27. What role does Yudhishthira play in the Swargarohanika Parva? a) He leads the Pandavas' journey to heaven. b) He engages in a philosophical discourse with Lord Krishna. c) He sacrifices himself to save his brothers. d) He performs penance to atone for his sins. 28 / 30 28. Who performed the last rites for the deceased warriors after the Kurukshetra War? a) Bhishma b) Arjuna c) Yudhishthira d) Krishna 29 / 30 29. What incident occurred during the Pandavas' exile in Matsya that led to a battle with the Kauravas? a) Draupadi's swayamvara b) Draupadi's humiliation in the Kuru court c) The attempted molestation of Draupadi by Keechaka d) Duryodhana's discovery of the Pandavas' hiding place 30 / 30 30. Which commander was responsible for the formation of the Chakravyuha formation during the Kurukshetra War? a) Bhishma b) Dronacharya c) Duryodhana d) Jayadratha Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. 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