Airport Engineering Online Test – Paper 3

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  • Total Questions: 50
  • Time Allotted: 50 minutes
  • Passing Score: 70%
  • Randomization: Yes
  • Certificate: Yes
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1. The old name of TIA was

2 / 50

2. Wing loading of an aircraft is

3 / 50

3. The WCB of the 1st and 2nd end of the runway are 80ƂĀ° and 260ƂĀ° respectively. Find the runway number indicated on the 1st end

4 / 50

4. The proposed international airport in Nepal is

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5. As the temperature of the airport increases, the runway length

6 / 50

6. The minimum basic runway length of class 'A' type airport is

7 / 50

7. Pick up the correct statement from the following

8 / 50

8. The strength of winds is measured with the help of

9 / 50

9. Speed of

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10. For A, B, and C types of airports, the longitudinal gradient of the runway recommended by ICAO is:

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11. The purpose of the apron in an aircraft is

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12. Which one is the correct sequence with respect to the name of the first airport in Nepal?

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13. For class A airport, the difference of reduced levels of the higher and lower edges of the conical surface is

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14. Pick up the correct abbreviation from the following:

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15. Holding line marking is provided in

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16. Conical surface of the approach area rises outwards

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17. Aprons are serviced as:

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18. The color of the wind direction indicator is

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19. The minimum length of runway for class 'C' type airport is

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20. Ramp is a

21 / 50

21. Pick up the correct statement from the following

22 / 50

22. The CBR method is used to design

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23. As the elevation of the airport increases, the runway length

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24. Lord Ram returned from Lanka to Ayodhya through

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25. Effective length of a runway is the distance between

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26. The National pride project concerned with an airport is

27 / 50

27. Pick up the correct statement from the following

28 / 50

28. Airport elevation is the reduced level above M.S.L. of

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29. Pick up the correct statement from the following

30 / 50

30. Holding aprons, run-up pads, or holding bays are placed adjacent to the ends of runways for

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31. The runway length of Tribhuvan International Airport is

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32. Pick up the component not applicable to airplanes

33 / 50

33. Pick up the correct statement from the following

34 / 50

34. The bearing of the longest line of a wind rose is S 45ƂĀ°E. The bearing of the runway will be numbered

35 / 50

35. Apron is used for loading/unloading of passengers while taxiway is

36 / 50

36. The roof of the hanger is made of

37 / 50

37. The bearing of the runway at the threshold is 290ƂĀ°, the runway number is

38 / 50

38. In the premix asphalt concrete of airport pavement construction, the aggregate is also heated

39 / 50

39. The depressions and undulations in the pavement of the runway are caused due to

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40. As the elevation & temperature of the airport increases, the density of air

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41. The number of traverse rows of light in the approach lighting near the threshold (As per Calvert & ICAO) is

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42. The width of the taxiway is kept about

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43. The maximum value of the angle of turning of the nose gear for large jet aircraft is limited to

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44. Normally, fuel provided in aircraft having a piston engine is

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45. To cope up with the high temperature of 196ƂĀ°C, the taxiways and aprons are constructed with

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46. Beaufort scale measures the velocity (km/h) of the wind at a height of

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47. In a very-density- airport, the characteristics load per landing gear in KN is:

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48. The runway orientation is made so that landing and takeoff are

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49. As per ICAO recommendation, the minimum width of the safety area for instrumental runway should be:

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50. The landing and takeoff of an aircraft are made against the direction of wind. In no case, the center line of the runway should make an angle with the wind direction exceeding

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