Home» Online Test » Civil Engineering » Building Construction Technology Online Test » Paper 1 » Paper 2 » Paper 3 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This is a FREE online test. Beware of scammers who ask for money to attend this test. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 30 Time Allotted: 30 minutes Passing Score: 50% Randomization: Yes Certificate: No Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 30 1. To produce impermeable concrete: a) Through mixing of concrete is required b) Proper compaction of concrete is required c) Proper curing of concrete is required d) All of the above 2 / 30 2. Strength of concrete with the passage of time: a) increases b) decreases c) fluctuates d) remains constant 3 / 30 3. Which of the following is not a tool used in laying a brick wall? a) Trowel b) Tri-square c) Plumb-bob d) Auger 4 / 30 4. Higher workability of concrete is required if the structure is: a) Made with cement b) Thick and reinforced c) Thin and heavily reinforced d) Thick and heavily reinforced 5 / 30 5. Which sequence is correct with respect to the removal of formwork? a) Vertical face - horizontal force -inclined b) Vertical face - soffit of beam - soffit of slab c) Vertical face - soffit of slab - soffit of beam d) Horizontal force - vertical face 6 / 30 6. Pick up the correct statement from the following: a) Admixtures accelerate hydration b) Admixtures make concrete water-proof c) Admixtures make concrete acid-proof d) All of the above 7 / 30 7. The process of filling hollow spaces of walls before plastering is known as: a) hacking b) dubbing out c) blistering d) filling 8 / 30 8. In brick laying, the tool used for lifting and spreading mortar and for forming joints is: a) scutch b) trowel c) square d) bolster 9 / 30 9. Non-uniform compaction may cause the concrete: a) Porous b) Non-homogeneous c) Reduced strength d) All of the above 10 / 30 10. The process of hardening the concrete by keeping its surface moist is known as: a) placing b) wetting c) curing d) compacting 11 / 30 11. The apex line of a sloping roof is called: a) Ridge b) Valley c) Eaves d) Gutter 12 / 30 12. If sea water is used for preparing concrete: a) It will cause efflorescence b) It may corrode the reinforcement c) It will cause dampness d) All of the above 13 / 30 13. A moulding provided under nosing to beautify the elevation of the step is known as: a) Scotia b) Nosing c) Soffit d) Flier 14 / 30 14. At the freezing point of water, concrete: a) Sets freely b) Sets slowly c) Sets rapidly d) Does not set 15 / 30 15. Workability of concrete for a given water content is good if aggregates used are: a) rounded aggregate b) irregular aggregate c) angular aggregate d) flaky aggregate 16 / 30 16. Pitch & sloping roofs are suitable for ........... regions. a) Plain b) Coastal c) Large d) Small 17 / 30 17. For the construction of thin R.C.C. structures, the type of cement to be avoided is: a) Ordinary Portland cement b) Rapid hardening cement c) Low heat cement d) Blast furnace slag cement 18 / 30 18. Strength of cement with the passage of time: a) increases b) decreases c) fluctuates d) remains constant 19 / 30 19. The specifications of a cement bag for storage are: a) Weight 50 kg b) Height 18 cm c) Plan area 3000 sq. cm d) All of the above 20 / 30 20. The FAR is defined as the ratio of: a) Total floor area of a building to the ground floor b) Site area of a building to the ground floor c) Ground floor to the site area d) Total floor areas of a building to the site area 21 / 30 21. Curing of concrete: a) reduces the shrinkage of concrete b) prevents the properties of concrete c) prevents loss of water by evaporation d) all of the above 22 / 30 22. The earliest period for removing formwork under normal atmospheric conditions should be: a) 3 days b) 7 days c) 21 days d) 28 days 23 / 30 23. The brick laid with its breadth parallel to the face of a wall is known as: a) header b) stretcher c) closer d) none of the above 24 / 30 24. For hearthing of thick walls, the brick used is: a) headers b) stretchers c) bats d) closer 25 / 30 25. High temperature: a) Increases the strength of concrete b) Decreases the strength of concrete c) No effect on the strength of concrete d) None of the above 26 / 30 26. Warehouse pack of cement means: a) Full capacity of the warehouse b) Pressure exertion of the bags of upper layers c) Pressure compaction of the bags on lower layers d) Packing the ware house 27 / 30 27. The line of intersection of the sloping surface of the slope roof having an internal angle less than 180┬░ is called: a) Hip b) Valley c) Eaves d) Gutter 28 / 30 28. Pile foundations are suitable for: a) waterlogged soils b) soft rocks c) compact soils d) multistoried buildings 29 / 30 29. In brick masonry, lintels are preferred to arches because arches: a) are difficult to construct b) require strong abutments to withstand arch thrust c) require more headroom to span the opening d) all of the above 30 / 30 30. The bearing capacity of a soil: a) depends on the size of the footing b) load intensity c) depends on the load d) rate of loading Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Building Construction Technology MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)