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The resistance offered to slipping of steel bars in concrete is due to a) adhesion b) frictional resistance c) mechanical resistance d) all of the above 5 / 50 5. For a two-way slab, the main reinforcement is provided along the a) length of the slab b) breadth of the slab c) diagonal of the slab d) none of the above 6 / 50 6. The strength and quality of concrete depends on a) aggregate shape b) aggregate grading c) surface area of the aggregate d) all of the above 7 / 50 7. Distribution reinforcement in a simply supported slab is provided to distribute a) load b) temperature stress c) shrinkage stress d) all of the above 8 / 50 8. According to the load factor method, the permissible load W on a short column reinforced with longitudinal bars and lateral stirrups is a) stress in concrete × area of concrete b) stress in steel × area of steel c) stress in concrete × area of concrete + stress in steel × area of steel d) none of the above 9 / 50 9. In a column, the minimum cover provided at the end of reinforcement is a) 10 mm b) 25 mm or 2 θ of bar, whichever is greater c) 40 mm or greater than the diameter of the bar d) at least θ of the bar 10 / 50 10. After casting, an ordinary cement concrete on drying a) shrinks b) expands c) remains unchanged d) can expand or shrink 11 / 50 11. The minimum cover at the end of reinforcement should be a) 20 Φ b) 25 mm c) mini. of (a) and (b) above d) max. of (a) and (b) above 12 / 50 12. In the working stress design, the allowable bending compressive strain in RCC is a) 0.003 b) 0.0003 c) 0.002 d) none of the above 13 / 50 13. A slender column is a a) short column b) long column c) mix d) column of varying cross-section 14 / 50 14. The shear reinforcement in an RCC beam is provided to resist a) diagonal tension b) diagonal compression c) vertical shear d) horizontal shear 15 / 50 15. For an RCC section, select the most true statement from the following a) Bond stress = Bond Load/X-area of rebar b) In a doubly reinforced section, rebars are placed at two tiers on the tensile face c) Shear stress (π) is perpendicular to the material cross-section d) Shear stress in rebar is calculated as (π) = Shear force/Nominal surface area of rebar 16 / 50 16. The ultimate bending compressive strain in RCC is a) 0.003 b) 0.0035 c) 0.0003 d) none of the above 17 / 50 17. The lower water-cement ratio in concrete products a) more density b) small creep and shrinkage c) more bond d) all of the above 18 / 50 18. As the size of the cube increases, the strength of the cube a) decreases b) increases c) increases but decreasing rate d) decreases but decreasing rate 19 / 50 19. In the analysis of a doubly reinforced beam, the assumption made is a) tension is resisted by concrete only b) compression is resisted by concrete only c) the deformations in concrete and steel on both sides remain proportional to their distance from the neutral axis d) all of the above 20 / 50 20. For a cantilever of effective depth of 50cm, the maximum span to satisfy vertical deflection limit is a) 3.0m b) 3.5m c) 4.0m d) 4.5m 21 / 50 21. Strength of tor steel as compared to mild steel is a) more b) less c) equal d) no relation 22 / 50 22. Which type of vibrator is generally used in concrete work a) screen b) needle c) none d) surface 23 / 50 23. The types of failure occurring in a beam due to shear force is termed as a) diagonal tension failure b) flexural tension failure c) diagonal compression failure d) all of the above 24 / 50 24. If the slenderness ratio for a column is 100 then the column is said to be a) long b) medium c) short d) none of the above 25 / 50 25. In a singly reinforced beam, if the concrete is stressed to its allowable limit earlier than steel, the section is said to be a) over-reinforced section b) under-reinforced section c) balanced section d) economical section 26 / 50 26. Spacing of stirrups in a rectangular beam is a) kept constant throughout the length b) increased towards the center of the beam c) increased at the ends d) increased at the center of the beam 27 / 50 27. The thickened part of a flat slab over its supporting column is technically known as a) capital b) drop panel c) column head d) none of the above 28 / 50 28. Shrinkage in concrete increases its a) tensile strength b) flexural strength c) bond strength d) shear strength 29 / 50 29. In the case of a cantilever beam, main reinforcement is provided a) on the top face of the beam b) on the bottom face of the beam c) on the middle face of the beam d) all of the above 30 / 50 30. For a continuous slab of 3m x 3.5m size, the minimum overall depth of the slab to satisfy vertical deflection limit is a) 5cm b) 7.5cm c) 9cm d) 12cm 31 / 50 31. The states of concrete are a) elastic and hardened state b) elastic and plastic state c) plastic and hardened state d) none of the above 32 / 50 32. A rigid frame is a structure composed of members which are connected by a) a single rivet b) rigid joints c) simple bearing d) none of the above 33 / 50 33. As per IS: 456, the column is considered as a short column if its slenderness ratio is more than a) 10 b) 15 c) 18 d) 24 34 / 50 34. The compressive strength of concrete determined from a 150mm × 150mm cylinder as compared to that determined from a 150mm cube is a) more b) less c) equal d) none of the above 35 / 50 35. In a slab, the pitch of the distribution reinforcement should not exceed its effective depth a) three times b) four times c) five times d) six times 36 / 50 36. An under-reinforced section means a) steel is provided at the underside only b) steel provided is insufficient c) steel provided on one face only d) steel will yield first 37 / 50 37. Modulus of elasticity for concrete improves by a) age b) higher w/c ratio c) shorter curing period d) all of the above 38 / 50 38. The effective width of a column strip of a flat slab is a) one-fourth the width of the panel b) half the width of the panel c) radius of the column d) diameter of the column 39 / 50 39. The minimum cover to the main bars in an RCC beam should be a) 15mm or diameter of the bar b) 25mm or diameter of the bar c) 25mm size of the aggregate d) 40 mm or diameter of the bar 40 / 50 40. Laps in bars are equal to a) bond length b) twice bond length c) 1.5 to twice bond length d) none of the above 41 / 50 41. Shear stress diagram of a homogeneous beam is a) rectangular b) triangular c) parabolic d) elliptical 42 / 50 42. In R.B. slab, the permissible compressive stress in bricks is generally taken as a) 10 kg/cm² b) 20 kg/cm² c) 30 kg/cm² d) 40 kg/cm² 43 / 50 43. In R.C.C. works, the proportion of the mixture 1:1.5:3, the volume of the cement is in a) 0.2 m³ b) 0.4 m³ c) 0.5 m³ d) 0.1 m³ 44 / 50 44. As per IS: 456:2000, the minimum diameter of reinforcement in a column shall not be less than a) 12 mm b) 16 mm c) 18 mm d) 20 mm 45 / 50 45. What is the minimum period for which the lime concrete in the foundation be left wet without the construction of masonry over it? a) 15 days b) 12 days c) 9 days d) 7 days 46 / 50 46. In a slab, the pitch of the main reinforcement should not exceed its effective depth a) three times b) four times c) five times d) six times 47 / 50 47. For bars in tension, a standard hook has an anchorage value equivalent to a straight length of a) 8θ b) 12θ c) 16θ d) 20θ 48 / 50 48. The cover provided in the column having size less than 200 mm x 200 mm is a) 15 b) 20 c) 25 d) 40 49 / 50 49. If a beam is loaded transversely the maximum compressive stress develops on a) top fibre b) neutral axis c) bottom fibre d) every cross-section 50 / 50 50. An air entraining agent when added in concrete improves a) strength b) workability c) density d) durability Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Structural Design MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)