Home» Online Test » Civil Engineering » Structural Design Online Test » Paper 1 » Paper 2 » Paper 3 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This is a FREE online test. Beware of scammers who ask for money to attend this test. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 50 Time Allotted: 50 minutes Passing Score: 70% Randomization: Yes Certificate: Yes Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 50 1. In a column, the pitch of the ties shall be a) least lateral dimension of the column b) 16 x θ of the smallest longitudinal bar c) 48 x θ of the transverse reinforcement d) least of the above 2 / 50 2. The ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel to that of concrete is a) modular ratio b) Poisson's ratio c) elasticity ratio d) none of the above 3 / 50 3. The moment of resistance of an under-reinforced section is computed on the basis of a) compressive force developed in concrete b) tensile force developed in steel c) both of the above d) none of the above 4 / 50 4. Minimum embedment of reinforcement in a concrete flexural member should be a) 30 θ b) 40 θ c) 50 θ d) 60 θ 5 / 50 5. In a singly reinforced beam (concrete), as the load increases a) only concrete will resist tension b) only steel bars will resist tension c) both concrete and steel will resist tension d) both concrete and steel will resist compression 6 / 50 6. The ratio of the effective length of a cantilever column to its height is about a) 2.5 b) 2.0 c) 1.5 d) 1.0 7 / 50 7. The maximum strain in the tension reinforcement in the section of a flexural member at failure shall not be less than (if fy is the characteristic strength of steel and Es is the modulus of elasticity of steel) a) 0.0020 b) fy/(1.15Es) + 0.002 c) fy/(1.15Es) + 0.003 d) 0.0300 8 / 50 8. Shear reinforcement in an RCC beam is used for a) bending moment b) shear force c) moment of resistance d) none of the above 9 / 50 9. Concrete gains strength due to a) chemical action of cement with coarse aggregate b) hydration of cement c) evaporation of water d) all of the above 10 / 50 10. Buckling occurs in a column a) great b) short c) too great d) none of the above 11 / 50 11. Spacing of stirrups in a rectangular beam is a) kept constant throughout the length b) increased towards the center of the beam c) increased at the ends d) increased at the center of the beam 12 / 50 12. Bottom reinforcement in a beam is subjected to a) compression b) tension c) both d) none of the above 13 / 50 13. In a beam, the spacing of shear reinforcement is kept... at the center as compared to the end a) minimum b) maximum c) constant d) none of the above 14 / 50 14. In a doubly reinforced beam, the maximum shear stress occurs a) along the centroid b) along the natural axis c) on planes between the neutral axis and the tensile reinforcement d) on planes between the neutral axis and the compressive reinforcement 15 / 50 15. After casting, an ordinary cement concrete on drying a) shrinks b) expands c) remains unchanged d) can expand or shrink 16 / 50 16. The lap length of a direct tension reinforcement bar in an RCC beam should be more than a) 30 times the diameter of the bar b) 48 times the diameter of the bar c) 24 times the diameter of the bar d) twice the development length or 30 times the diameter of the bar 17 / 50 17. For bars in tension, a standard hook has an anchorage value equivalent to a straight length of a) 8θ b) 12θ c) 16θ d) 20θ 18 / 50 18. The lower water-cement ratio in concrete products a) more density b) small creep and shrinkage c) more bond d) all of the above 19 / 50 19. The amount of reinforcement for main bars in a slab is based upon a) maximum bending moment b) minimum shear force c) maximum shear force d) minimum bending moment 20 / 50 20. The workability of concrete is directly proportional to a) grading of the aggregate b) time of transit c) aggregate cement ratio d) none of the above 21 / 50 21. The effective width of a column strip of a flat slab is a) one-fourth the width of the panel b) half the width of the panel c) radius of the column d) diameter of the column 22 / 50 22. The minimum cover at the end of reinforcement should be a) 20 Φ b) 25 mm c) mini. of (a) and (b) above d) max. of (a) and (b) above 23 / 50 23. The thickened part of a flat slab over its supporting column is technically known as a) capital b) drop panel c) column head d) none of the above 24 / 50 24. Singly reinforced beam & doubly reinforced beam are decided based on a) bending moment b) shear force c) bending moment & shear force d) none of the above 25 / 50 25. The minimum number of main bars in a circular column is a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 12 26 / 50 26. The approximate ratio of the direct tensile strength to direct compressive strength test a) 0.33 b) 0.25 c) 0.10 d) 0.05 27 / 50 27. A column fails by buckling is called a long column while failure by crushing is called a) big column b) long column c) small column d) short column 28 / 50 28. The slope of weep hole is generally provided at (spacing- 1.5 to 3.0m) a) 1 in 4 b) 1 in 8 c) 1 in 16 d) 1 in 32 29 / 50 29. The maximum spacing of side-face reinforcement in a beam should be a) 100 mm b) 200 mm c) 300 mm d) 400 mm 30 / 50 30. The cover provided in the column having size less than 200 mm x 200 mm is a) 15 b) 20 c) 25 d) 40 31 / 50 31. Distribution reinforcement in a simply supported slab is provided to distribute a) load b) temperature stress c) shrinkage stress d) all of the above 32 / 50 32. In the case of the foundation of rigid base, the distribution pressure on the soil is a) uniform b) maximum bending moment c) minimum in the central zone d) none of the above 33 / 50 33. The factor of safety for steel as compared to concrete is a) same b) lower c) higher d) constant 34 / 50 34. The maximum bulking of sand generally occurs at a percentage moisture content of a) 5 b) 8 c) 11 d) 4 35 / 50 35. A flat slab is supported a) on beams b) on columns c) on beams and columns d) on columns monolithically built with slab 36 / 50 36. A doubly reinforced beam is used a) when extra safety factor is required b) when the depth and width of the beam are restricted c) when the depth of the beam is more than the width d) a large moment of resistance is desired 37 / 50 37. In a beam section, if the steel reinforcement is of such a magnitude that the permissible stresses in concrete and steel are developed simultaneously, the section is known as a) balanced section b) critical section c) economical section d) any one of the above 38 / 50 38. The minimum vertical spacing of the main bars in an RCC beam should be a) diameter of the bar or maximum size of the aggregate + 5mm b) maximum size of the bar c) maximum size of the bar or 2/3 maximum size of the aggregate d) none of the above 39 / 50 39. The types of failure occurring in a beam due to shear force is termed as a) diagonal tension failure b) flexural tension failure c) diagonal compression failure d) all of the above 40 / 50 40. An air entraining agent when added in concrete improves a) strength b) workability c) density d) durability 41 / 50 41. In R.B. slab, the permissible compressive stress in bricks is generally taken as a) 10 kg/cm² b) 20 kg/cm² c) 30 kg/cm² d) 40 kg/cm² 42 / 50 42. In a rectangular R.C.C beam, the ratio of the maximum shear stress to average shear stress is a) 1.25 b) 1.33 c) 1.43 d) 1.53 43 / 50 43. The maximum diameter of bars in a beam is limited to a) 25mm b) 40mm c) one-eighth of the least dimension of the beams d) one-tenth of the depth 44 / 50 44. Shear stress diagram of a homogeneous beam is a) rectangular b) triangular c) parabolic d) elliptical 45 / 50 45. In cold weather, concrete curing should be continued for... days a) 7 b) 14 c) 21 d) 28 46 / 50 46. Bond strength of HYSD bar as compared to plain bar is more by a) 20% b) 30% c) 40% d) 60% 47 / 50 47. The ratio of effective length of a column which is fixed at both ends to the distance between the supports is about a) 2.0 b) 1.0 c) 0.7 d) 0.50 48 / 50 48. In a T beam overall depth of rib (in case of heavy load) is a) 1/20 of the span b) 1/15 of the span c) 1/12 of the span d) none of the above 49 / 50 49. A T-beam behaves like a rectangular beam of width equal to its flange if its neutral axis a) remains within the flange b) remains within the web c) coincides with the geometrical center of the beam d) none of the above 50 / 50 50. Unsoundness of cement due to magnesia can be determined by a) autoclave test b) Vicat's needle c) Le Chatelier's apparatus d) normal consistency Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Structural Design MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)