Home» Online Test » Religious Texts » Bible Online Test 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This 'Bible Online Test' covers questions on various Bible-related topics, including love, relationships, family, and friendship. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 30 Time Allotted: 30 minutes Passing Score: 50% Randomization: Yes Certificate: Yes Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 30 1. Who was the author of many of the Psalms in the Bible, expressing a wide range of emotions and experiences in his relationship with God? a) David b) Solomon c) Elijah d) Elisha 2 / 30 2. Which prophet confronted King David for his adultery with Bathsheba and arranged the murder of her husband, Uriah? a) Samuel b) Nathan c) Elijah d) Elisha 3 / 30 3. Which book reflects on the futility of human pursuits and the fleeting nature of life, emphasizing the importance of fearing God and keeping His commandments? a) Job b) Psalms c) Proverbs d) Ecclesiastes 4 / 30 4. Which Old Testament figure is known for his role in interpreting dreams, including those of Pharaoh in Egypt, which ultimately led to his rise to power? a) Moses b) Joseph c) David d) Solomon 5 / 30 5. Which prophet was taken captive to Babylon along with King Jehoiachin and later served in the Babylonian court? a) Isaiah b) Jeremiah c) Ezekiel d) Daniel 6 / 30 6. Which book contains a series of love poems celebrating the beauty of romantic love and the intimacy between a man and a woman? a) Job b) Psalms c) Proverbs d) Song of Solomon 7 / 30 7. What significant event is described in Exodus 20? a) The parting of the Red Sea b) The giving of the Ten Commandments c) The building of the Tabernacle d) The first Passover 8 / 30 8. Which prophet predicted the restoration of Israel and the pouring out of God's Spirit upon all people? a) Isaiah b) Jeremiah c) Joel d) Ezekiel 9 / 30 9. Which prophet received a double portion of Elijah's spirit and performed many miracles, including parting the waters of the Jordan River? a) David b) Solomon c) Elijah d) Elisha 10 / 30 10. What biblical verse is often cited to explain the doctrine of justification by faith? a) John 3:16 b) Romans 3:23 c) Romans 5:1 d) Ephesians 2:8-9 11 / 30 11. Which book recounts the story of a Moabite woman who becomes the great-grandmother of King David? a) Joshua b) Judges c) Ruth d) Esther 12 / 30 12. Which language was commonly spoken by Jesus and the people in Judea during His lifetime? a) Latin b) Greek c) Hebrew d) Aramaic 13 / 30 13. Which section of the Old Testament is known for its collection of songs and prayers? a) The Pentateuch b) The Historical Books c) The Wisdom Books d) The Prophetic Books 14 / 30 14. Which prophet denounced social injustices and religious hypocrisy, proclaiming that God desires justice and righteousness more than ritual sacrifices? a) Hosea b) Joel c) Amos d) Obadiah 15 / 30 15. Who was the Persian king who allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple after the Babylonian exile? a) Cyrus b) Darius c) Xerxes d) Artaxerxes 16 / 30 16. Which Old Testament prophet is known for his encounter with a "wheel within a wheel" and his vision of a valley of dry bones coming to life? a) Isaiah b) Ezekiel c) Jeremiah d) Daniel 17 / 30 17. Which gospel emphasizes Jesus' divine identity through "I am" sayings and seven miraculous signs? a) Matthew b) Mark c) Luke d) John 18 / 30 18. In which epistle does Peter encourage believers to rejoice in their suffering and live as obedient servants of Christ? a) 1 Peter b) 2 Peter c) 1 John d) Jude 19 / 30 19. Which covenant is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate descendant of Abraham, the perfect embodiment of God's law, and the eternal King of David's line? a) Abrahamic Covenant b) Mosaic Covenant c) Davidic Covenant d) New Covenant 20 / 30 20. In which epistle does John emphasize the importance of love, stating that "God is love" and encouraging believers to love one another? a) 1 Peter b) 1 John c) 2 Peter d) Jude 21 / 30 21. What significant event occurs in Numbers 13-14 that affects the Israelites' journey to the Promised Land? a) The building of the Golden Calf b) The rebellion of Korah c) The report of the twelve spies d) The construction of the Tabernacle 22 / 30 22. Which Old Testament book contains a collection of love poems between a bridegroom and his bride, often interpreted allegorically as representing God's love for His people? a) Proverbs b) Ecclesiastes c) Song of Solomon d) Lamentations 23 / 30 23. Which translation of the Bible, first published in 2001, aims to combine contemporary English with a high level of accuracy? a) New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) b) Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) c) English Standard Version (ESV) d) The Message (MSG) 24 / 30 24. Who was the prophet of Israel known for his confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel and his fiery chariot ride into heaven? a) David b) Solomon c) Elijah d) Elisha 25 / 30 25. Which Bible translation is known for its attempt to balance readability with precise translation, first published in 1978? a) King James Version (KJV) b) New International Version (NIV) c) New Living Translation (NLT) d) Revised Standard Version (RSV) 26 / 30 26. How many Gospels are there in the New Testament? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 27 / 30 27. At the Last Supper, what did Jesus institute as a remembrance of Him? a) The Lord's Prayer b) The Ten Commandments c) Holy Communion (the Eucharist) d) Baptism 28 / 30 28. What biblical verse describes Jesus as the atoning sacrifice for our sins, satisfying God's justice and reconciling us to God? a) John 3:16 b) Romans 3:23 c) Ephesians 2:8-9 d) 1 John 2:2 29 / 30 29. Which Bible translation is often noted for its formal equivalence (word-for-word) approach and was first published in 1971? a) New King James Version (NKJV) b) New Living Translation (NLT) c) New American Standard Bible (NASB) d) Contemporary English Version (CEV) 30 / 30 30. In which epistle does Jude warn against false teachers who deny Jesus Christ and urge believers to contend earnestly for the faith? a) 1 Peter b) 1 John c) 2 Peter d) Jude Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. 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