Home» Online Test » Civil Engineering » Irrigation Engineering Online Test » Paper 1 » Paper 2 » Paper 3 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This is a FREE online test. Beware of scammers who ask for money to attend this test. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 30 Time Allotted: 30 minutes Passing Score: 50% Randomization: Yes Certificate: No Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 30 1. The amount of evaporation loss is a) 1 to 2 percent of the water entering the canal b) 2 to 5 percent of the water entering the canal c) 5 to 10 percent of the water entering the canal d) 50 to 20 percent of the water entering the canal 2 / 30 2. According to Lacey's theory, the depth of scour in the case of a right-angle bend is a) 1.414D b) 1.667D c) 2D d) 2.5D 3 / 30 3. The most suitable section of a lined canal is a) triangular section with a circular bottom for small canals b) trapezoidal section with rounded corners for large canals c) both (a) and (b) above d) none of the above 4 / 30 4. *The measure to remove waterlogging of land is a) to reduce percolation from canals and watercourses b) to increase outflow from the groundwater reservoir c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the above 5 / 30 5. *Irrigation distributor canals are generally aligned along a) contour lines b) valley lines c) ridge lines d) straight lines 6 / 30 6. The flow of water after spilling over the spillway respectively is a) at a right angle and parallel to the weir crest b) parallel and at a right angle to the weir crest c) parallel to the weir crest in both d) none of the above 7 / 30 7. Vertical acceleration due to an earthquake results in a) an increase in the effective weight of the dam b) a decrease in the effective weight of the dam c) both (a) and (b) of above d) none of the above 8 / 30 8. *The crops require maximum water during a) first watering when the crop has grown a few centimeters b) first watering before sowing the crops c) last watering before harvesting d) all of the above 9 / 30 9. *Total losses in the canal are a) 40% of the total discharge b) 10% of the total discharge c) 60% of the total discharge d) equal to seepage losses 10 / 30 10. The other name for an unconfined aquifer is a) temporary aquifer b) permanent aquifer c) free aquifer d) perched aquifer 11 / 30 11. For economical design of a gravity dam, the shear friction factor should be a) 0.65 b) 1 c) between 1 and 2 d) none of the above 12 / 30 12. According to Khosla's theory, the exit gradient a) depends on d/b ratio b) depends on b/d ratio c) cannot exceed unity d) can be zero 13 / 30 13. The most desirable alignment of an irrigation canal is along a) a contour line b) the ridge line c) the valley line d) none of the above 14 / 30 14. If the electrical conductivity of water is between 750 to 2250 micro mhos/cm at 25°C, then it is classified as a) low salinity water b) high salinity water c) medium salinity water d) none of the above 15 / 30 15. A counter berm is a) a horizontal benching provided on the outer slope b) a vertical benching provided on the outer edge of the bank c) a horizontal benching provided on the inside slope d) a vertical benching provided on the inner edge of the bank 16 / 30 16. *The main function of a diversion head works of a canal from a river is to a) remove silt b) control floods c) store water d) raise water level 17 / 30 17. *Surface float method is used to measure a) area b) velocity c) discharge d) none of the above 18 / 30 18. *The main function of the diversion headworks of a canal from a river is a) to remove silt b) to control floods c) to store water d) to raise water level 19 / 30 19. In a chute spillway, the flow is generally: a) laminar b) turbulent c) critical d) supercritical 20 / 30 20. The shape of the lined canal recommended by ISI is a) triangular b) rectangular c) parabolic d) trapezoidal 21 / 30 21. The canal head regulator is provided at the head of the offtaking canal to a) regulate the supply of water in the canal b) control the entry of silt into the canal c) prevent the river floods entering into the canal d) all of the above 22 / 30 22. According to Khosla's theory, the undermining of the floor starts from the a) tail end b) starting end c) intermediate point d) foundation bed 23 / 30 23. Into how many components is the diversion head work divided? a) 8 b) 6 c) 7 d) 5 24 / 30 24. Necessity of cross-drainage works arises when a) canal is aligned on the watershed across a number of drainages b) canals are aligned away from the watershed because the area of the watershed is less suitable than other areas c) a number of canal systems have to be linked d) all of the above 25 / 30 25. If the value of sodium-absorption ratio lies between 10 to 18, it is called a) low sodium water b) medium sodium water c) high sodium water d) very high sodium water 26 / 30 26. *The difference in level between the top of a bank and full supply level in a canal is known as a) berm b) freeboard c) height of the bank d) none of the above 27 / 30 27. Guide banks for training a river at the site of a bridge or weir are called a) safe bunds b) guide bunds c) side bunds d) bell bunds 28 / 30 28. A canal, designed to irrigate throughout the year, is a) permanent canal b) perennial canal c) continuous canal d) green canal 29 / 30 29. *After entering the canal, sediments are removed by the a) silt ejector b) silt excluder c) silt regulator d) none of the above 30 / 30 30. The fall, with the crest usually at or near the bed level, without a glacis, is called a) rapid fall b) notch fall c) natural fall d) regulated fall Your score is Share your achievement! 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