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The methods used for drilling a tube well in compacted rock materials is a) wash boring b) percussion method c) hydraulic rotary d) all of the above 5 / 50 5. SHAFT spillway is the same as a) conduit spillway b) tunnel spillway c) morning glory spillway d) trough spillway 6 / 50 6. The name of the structure that destroys the energy is called a) stilling basin b) reservoir c) head regulator d) all of the above 7 / 50 7. A contour canal a) irrigates only on one side b) is most suitable in hilly areas c) is generally aligned parallel to the contour of the area d) all of the above 8 / 50 8. The crest level of an emergency spillway is kept as a) the same level as the main spillway b) slightly below the crest level of the main spillway c) at the full reservoir level d) slightly above the crest level of the main spillway 9 / 50 9. *A river training work is generally required when the river is a) aggrading type b) degrading type c) meandering type d) stable type 10 / 50 10. The water face of the guide banks is protected by a) one layer stone pitching b) two-layer stone pitching c) three-layer stone pitching d) four-layer stone pitching 11 / 50 11. *In a concrete-lined canal, the permissible velocity of water is a) 1 m/sec b) 2 m/sec c) 3 m/sec d) 4 m/sec 12 / 50 12. Silt excluders are constructed on the a) river bed down stream of the head regulator b) river bed up stream of the head regulator c) canal bed up stream of the head regulator d) canal bed down stream of the head regulator 13 / 50 13. Silt is a a) fertilizing agent b) non-fertilizing agent c) type of crop d) type of rock 14 / 50 14. Waterlogging may result from a) over-irrigation b) inadequate drainage c) seepage from adjoining reservoirs, etc. d) all of the above 15 / 50 15. Darcy's formula is given by a) the rate of flow is proportional to the hydraulic gradient b) the rate of flow is proportional to the exit gradient c) the rate of discharge is proportional to the hydraulic gradient d) the rate of discharge is proportional to the exit gradient 16 / 50 16. *Depth of canal cross-section such that the quantity of excavation is equal to the earthwork required for banks is known as a) balancing depth b) canal depth c) water depth d) none of the above 17 / 50 17. Area velocity method is used to measure. a) area b) velocity c) discharge d) none of the above 18 / 50 18. *The structure constructed to allow drainage water to flow under pressure through an inverted syphon below a canal is called a) a syphon b) aqueduct c) syphon aqueduct d) super passage 19 / 50 19. Waterlogging of fields can be reduced by a) providing canal lining b) providing intercepting drains c) controlling intensity of irrigation d) all of the above 20 / 50 20. *Mean velocity of the canal should never be a) less than the critical velocity b) more than the critical velocity c) equal to the critical velocity d) none of the above 21 / 50 21. The water stored in the reservoir below the minimum pool level is called a) useful storage b) dead storage c) valley storage d) none of the above 22 / 50 22. If the RLs of canal bed level and HFL of drainage are 202.0 m and 200.0 m respectively, then the cross drainage work will be a) an aqueduct b) siphon c) syphon aqueduct d) super passage 23 / 50 23. The useful storage is the volume of water stored in the reservoir between: a) minimum pool level and maximum pool level b) minimum pool level and normal pool level c) normal pool level and maximum pool level d) none of the above 24 / 50 24. *The measure to remove waterlogging of land is a) to reduce percolation from canals and watercourses b) to increase outflow from the groundwater reservoir c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the above 25 / 50 25. The fall, with the crest usually at or near the bed level, without a glacis, is called a) rapid fall b) notch fall c) natural fall d) regulated fall 26 / 50 26. If there are two canals taking off from each bank of a river, then there will be a) one divide wall and one under sluice b) one divide wall and two under sluice c) two divide walls and one under sluice d) two divide walls and two under sluice 27 / 50 27. The types of reservoirs in which water control devices are not provided are known as: a) retarding reservoir b) detention reservoir c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the above 28 / 50 28. A groyne with a curved head is known as a) Burma groyne b) Dehny groyne c) Hockey groyne d) Meandering groyne 29 / 50 29. The kor depth for rice is 19 cm, and the kor period is 14 days. The outlet factor for this will be a) 473 hectares/m³/sec b) 637 hectares/m³/sec c) 837 hectares/m³/sec d) none of the above 30 / 50 30. *To avoid an interruption in the field of a siphon, the air vessel is provided a) at the summit b) at the inlet c) at the outlet d) none of the above 31 / 50 31. A most economical section is one for which a given cross-sectional area, slope of bed, and coefficient of resistance has a) maximum wetted perimeter b) maximum discharge c) maximum depth of flow d) minimum depth of flow 32 / 50 32. The irrigation with sewage from a town, instead of natural water, is called a) effluent irrigation b) fertility irrigation c) oxidation irrigation d) none of the above 33 / 50 33. The discharge coefficient of an ogee spillway is: a) 1.2 b) 1.8 c) 2.02 d) 3.7 34 / 50 34. The main function of a distributory head regulator is a) to regulate the supply entering the distributory from the parent channel b) to control the silt entering into the distributory c) to serve as a meter for discharge measurement d) all of the above 35 / 50 35. *According to Manning's formula, the velocity is inversely proportional to a) rugosity coefficient b) HMD c) gradient d) all of the above 36 / 50 36. A regulator provided with under sluices for the escape of washout of the heavily sand-laden bottom water of a channel is known as a) silt regulator b) silt extractor c) silt ejector d) all of the above 37 / 50 37. When the reservoir is full, the maximum compressive force in a gravity dam is produced a) at the heel b) at the toe c) at the center of the base d) within the middle third of the base 38 / 50 38. In a gravity dam, tailwater causes a) decrease in principal stress b) decrease in shear stress c) increase in both principal and shear stress d) both (a) and (b) of above 39 / 50 39. A weir constructed to divert part or all of the water from the stream into a different course is called a) free weir b) intake weir c) submerged weir d) none of the above 40 / 50 40. The thickness of concrete lining, for discharge up to 200 cumecs, varies from a) 5 to 10 cm b) 10 to 15 cm c) 15 to 20 cm d) 20 to 30 cm 41 / 50 41. *The difference in level between the top of a bank and full supply level in a canal is known as a) berm b) freeboard c) height of the bank d) none of the above 42 / 50 42. Find the delta for a crop if the base period and duty are 110 days and 1400 he/cumec respectively. a) 38 cm b) 48 cm c) 58 cm d) 68 cm 43 / 50 43. The water utilized by plants is available in soils mainly in the form of a) capillary water b) gravity water c) hygroscopic water d) pore water 44 / 50 44. *Bell bunds are a) guide bands for training a river at the site of a bridge or weir b) barriers made of timber, filled with stone or other suitable material c) fixed distances over which surface floats are lined d) none of the above 45 / 50 45. *When the bed level of the canal is higher than the HFL of the drainage, then the cross drainage work is known as a) an aqueduct b) syphon aqueduct c) canal syphon d) super passage 46 / 50 46. *Separation of flow occurs when a) the pressure intensity reaches a minimum b) the cross-section of a channel is reduced c) the boundary layer comes to rest d) the head is maximum 47 / 50 47. Percolation loss is less in the case of a) sandy soil b) black cotton soil c) silty soil d) all of the above 48 / 50 48. *Surface float method is used to measure a) area b) velocity c) discharge d) none of the above 49 / 50 49. In a gravity dam, the main overturning force is a) self-weight of the dam b) wind pressure c) water pressure d) uplift pressure 50 / 50 50. *A groyne a) widens a river channel to improve its depth b) deteriorates the river banks c) silts up the area in the vicinity by creating a slack flow d) none of the above Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. 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