Irrigation Engineering Online Test – Paper 3

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  • Total Questions: 50
  • Time Allotted: 50 minutes
  • Passing Score: 70%
  • Randomization: Yes
  • Certificate: Yes
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1. The proportion of silt, water, and the size of silt particles carried depend upon

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2. The duty is largest

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3. *The maximum failure of earthen dams occurs due to

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4. The methods used for drilling a tube well in compacted rock materials is

5 / 50

5. SHAFT spillway is the same as

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6. The name of the structure that destroys the energy is called

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7. A contour canal

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8. The crest level of an emergency spillway is kept as

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9. *A river training work is generally required when the river is

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10. The water face of the guide banks is protected by

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11. *In a concrete-lined canal, the permissible velocity of water is

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12. Silt excluders are constructed on the

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13. Silt is a

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14. Waterlogging may result from

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15. Darcy's formula is given by

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16. *Depth of canal cross-section such that the quantity of excavation is equal to the earthwork required for banks is known as

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17. Area velocity method is used to measure.

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18. *The structure constructed to allow drainage water to flow under pressure through an inverted syphon below a canal is called

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19. Waterlogging of fields can be reduced by

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20. *Mean velocity of the canal should never be

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21. The water stored in the reservoir below the minimum pool level is called

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22. If the RLs of canal bed level and HFL of drainage are 202.0 m and 200.0 m respectively, then the cross drainage work will be

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23. The useful storage is the volume of water stored in the reservoir between:

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24. *The measure to remove waterlogging of land is

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25. The fall, with the crest usually at or near the bed level, without a glacis, is called

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26. If there are two canals taking off from each bank of a river, then there will be

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27. The types of reservoirs in which water control devices are not provided are known as:

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28. A groyne with a curved head is known as

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29. The kor depth for rice is 19 cm, and the kor period is 14 days. The outlet factor for this will be

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30. *To avoid an interruption in the field of a siphon, the air vessel is provided

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31. A most economical section is one for which a given cross-sectional area, slope of bed, and coefficient of resistance has

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32. The irrigation with sewage from a town, instead of natural water, is called

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33. The discharge coefficient of an ogee spillway is:

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34. The main function of a distributory head regulator is

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35. *According to Manning's formula, the velocity is inversely proportional to

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36. A regulator provided with under sluices for the escape of washout of the heavily sand-laden bottom water of a channel is known as

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37. When the reservoir is full, the maximum compressive force in a gravity dam is produced

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38. In a gravity dam, tailwater causes

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39. A weir constructed to divert part or all of the water from the stream into a different course is called

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40. The thickness of concrete lining, for discharge up to 200 cumecs, varies from

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41. *The difference in level between the top of a bank and full supply level in a canal is known as

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42. Find the delta for a crop if the base period and duty are 110 days and 1400 he/cumec respectively.

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43. The water utilized by plants is available in soils mainly in the form of

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44. *Bell bunds are

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45. *When the bed level of the canal is higher than the HFL of the drainage, then the cross drainage work is known as

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46. *Separation of flow occurs when

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47. Percolation loss is less in the case of

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48. *Surface float method is used to measure

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49. In a gravity dam, the main overturning force is

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50. *A groyne

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