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A wall constructed to retain the earth from slippage on the hillside of the roadway is called: a) Breast wall b) Retaining wall c) Parapet wall d) Wing wall 5 / 30 5. In an earthen dam, the phreatic line is a) Straight line b) Circular line c) Parabolic d) Zigzag 6 / 30 6. The bearing capacity of soil depends on: a) Grain size of the soil b) Load intensity c) On the load d) Rate of loading 7 / 30 7. Shear strength of a soil is a unique function of a) Effective stress only b) Total stress only c) Both total and effective stress d) None of the above 8 / 30 8. Plasticity index is obtained as the difference between a) Liquid limit and shrinkage limit b) Shrinkage limit and plastic limit c) Liquid limit and plastic limit d) None of the above 9 / 30 9. Stability of slopes can be increased by: a) Adopting gentle slopes b) Adopting great heights c) Storing water on one side d) Constructing on clay deposits 10 / 30 10. The minimum depth of the building foundation in: a) Sandy soil is 80 cm to 100 cm b) Clay soils is 90 cm to 160 cm c) Rocky soils is 5 cm to 50 cm d) All of the above 11 / 30 11. On wetting, cohesive soils a) Lose permeability b) Gain shear strength c) Lose elasticity d) Decrease their shear strength 12 / 30 12. The ultimate B.C. of a soil can be defined as: a) Ultimate load on the bearing area b) Safe load on the bearing area c) Load at which the soil fails d) Load beyond which the soil should not be loaded 13 / 30 13. Cohesionless soils are formed due to a) Oxidation of rocks b) Leaching action of water on rocks c) Blowing of hot and cold wind d) Physical disintegration of rock 14 / 30 14. The process of improving the engineering properties of the soil and thus making it more stable is known as a) Compaction b) Consolidation c) Stabilization d) None of the above 15 / 30 15. The assumption of Rankine's theory of earth pressure is: a) The soil is semi-finite, homogeneous, dry, and cohesionless b) Ground surface is a plane which may be inclined or horizontal c) Back of the wall is vertical and smooth d) All of the above 16 / 30 16. If the shearing stress is zero on two planes, then the angle between the two planes is a) 45° b) 90° c) 135° d) 180° 17 / 30 17. Uniformity coefficient of a soil is: a) always less than 1 b) always equal to 1 c) equal to or less than 1 d) equal or greater than 1 18 / 30 18. The minimum number of piles needed to support a column is: a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 19 / 30 19. Piping in soils is due to a) Low exit gradient b) Erosion of subsoil by high velocity of seepage flow c) Leakage of water through pipes laid in dams d) Passage of water through well-connected pores in soil. 20 / 30 20. The strength of a soil is generally identified by a) Direct tensile stress b) Net stress c) Ultimate shear stress d) Direct ultimate compressive stress 21 / 30 21. In cohesive soils, the depth of the vertical cut up to which no lateral support is required is given by: a) 2c/γ b) 4c/γ c) 2γ/c d) 4γ/c 22 / 30 22. Terzaghi's analysis assumes: a) Soil is homogeneous and isotropic b) Elastic zone has straight boundaries inclined at (Theta = theta) to the horizontal and plastic zones fully developed c) Failure zones do not extend above the horizontal plane through the base of the footing d) All of the above 23 / 30 23. Chemical weathering occurs because of a) Oxidation b) Carbonation c) Hydration d) All of the above 24 / 30 24. The shear strength of cohesive soil is equal to a) C = q/2 b) C = 0.5 q tanΦ c) C = q d) C = q tan Φ 25 / 30 25. The assumption of Coulomb's theory is: a) Backfill is dry, homogeneous, isotropic, and cohesionless b) Rupture plane is linear and passes through the toe of the wall c) Sliding wedge acts as a rigid body, and the value of earth pressure is obtained by considering the equilibrium of the wedge d) All of the above 26 / 30 26. Flow path/flow channel is a) The space between two adjacent flow lines b) Direction of flow c) The space between two equipotential lines d) None of the above 27 / 30 27. The angle of internal friction depends upon a) Particle shape and roughness b) Normal direct pressure c) The amount of interlocking d) All of the above 28 / 30 28. When a static load is applied, the consolidation is fast in the case of a) Clays b) Silty clays c) Sandy silts d) Sands 29 / 30 29. To what category do the gravel and sand belong? a) Cohesive soil b) Cohesionless soil c) Marine soil d) Expansive soil 30 / 30 30. The load-carrying capacity of the pile is............due to skin friction. a) Increases b) Decreases c) Constant d) None of the above Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Soil Mechanics MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)