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The reduction factor to the bearing capacity of soil due to the water table at a depth equal to the width of the footing below the footing is: a) 0.25 b) 0.50 c) 0.75 d) 1.00 5 / 30 5. Toe failure is most likely in the case of: a) Steep slopes b) Gentle slopes c) All inclinations d) Very steep slopes 6 / 30 6. The water content of soils is defined as the ratio of a) Volume of water to that of voids b) Weight of water to the dry soil weight c) Volume of water to the gross volume of soil d) Weight of water to that of the soil 7 / 30 7. Cohesive soils: a) bear high shear strength b) are more plastic c) are good for backfill d) are strong against landslides 8 / 30 8. A foundation may be classified as spread foundation if: a) Depth to width ratio is more than 2 b) Depth to width ratio is less than 2 c) Length to width ratio is more than 2 d) Length to width ratio is between 1 and 2 9 / 30 9. The well in well foundation: a) Is normally left empty b) Filled with earth and consolidated c) Filled with water d) Filled with sand and consolidated on 10 / 30 10. Specific gravity of soil is a) Same for clays and sands b) Determined by hydrometer c) Less than 2.0 for most soils d) More than 2.5 for most soils 11 / 30 11. A plane inclined at an angle to the horizontal at which the soil is expected to stay in the absence of any lateral support is known as: a) Natural slope line b) The stable line c) Repose line d) All of the above 12 / 30 12. The difference between the undisturbed shear strength and remoulded shear strength is known as a) Thixotropy b) Dilatancy c) Remoulding less d) Degree of sensitivity 13 / 30 13. Soil in which some of the intermediate size particles are missing is known as a) Poorly graded soil b) Non-uniform soil c) Ill-proportioned soil d) Skip-graded soil 14 / 30 14. A pycnometer is used to determine a) Specific gravity and dry density b) Water content and void ratio c) Water content and specific gravity d) Dry density and void ratio 15 / 30 15. A clay deposit that is not fully consolidated under the existing overburden pressure is known as a) Normally consolidated soil b) Overconsolidated soil c) Underconsolidated soil d) None of the above 16 / 30 16. Shear strength of a soil is a unique function of a) Effective stress only b) Total stress only c) Both total and effective stress d) None of the above 17 / 30 17. The factor of safety of slopes is defined as: a) FS= Total stress / Effective stress b) FS= Shear strength / Shear stress c) FS= Overturning moment / Resisting moment d) FS= Shear stress / Normal stress 18 / 30 18. Negative skin friction affects the load carrying capacity of the pile by: a) Increases b) Decreases c) Constant d) None of the above 19 / 30 19. Silts have the following property a) Plasticity b) Limited plasticity c) Limited or no plasticity d) Elasticity 20 / 30 20. The reduction factor to the bearing capacity of soil due to the water table just below the footing is: a) 0.25 b) 0.50 c) 0.75 d) 1.00 21 / 30 21. Shearing strength of cohesionless soil depends upon a) Dry density b) Void ratio c) Loading rate d) Normal stress 22 / 30 22. Bearing capacity of soil primarily depends upon: a) Air void b) Water content c) Chemical d) Rate of loading 23 / 30 23. * A 'shear stress' is a stress which is applied.......to a face of material. a) Perpendicularity b) Parallel c) Softly d) With a bang 24 / 30 24. Cohesion of soil may a) Not be affected due to the moisture content b) Increases as the moisture content increases c) Decreases as the moisture content decreases d) More in well-compacted solids 25 / 30 25. A foundation may be classified as deep if: a) Depth to width ratio is more than 2 b) Depth to width ratio is less than 2 c) Length to width ratio is more than 2 d) Length to width ratio is between 1 and 2 26 / 30 26. * For a properly designed footing, the bearing stress must be less than the bearing capacity, which is the bearing stress that causes a ......... failure within the foundation soil. a) Tensile b) Expected c) Unexpected d) Shear 27 / 30 27. The well foundation is normally used under: a) Industrial buildings b) Structures on river beds c) Tall buildings d) Offshore wells 28 / 30 28. The types of compaction suitable in a congested area for cohesive as well as cohesionless soil are a) Roller b) Rammer c) Vibrator d) Vibrofloatation 29 / 30 29. Physical weathering occurs due to a) Temperature changes b) Wedging action of ice c) Spreading of roots of plants d) All of the above 30 / 30 30. The saturated density of soil can be expressed as a) Weight of soil in water to its volume b) Weight of soil minus weight of equivalent water to volume of soil c) Weight of soil less weight of water in voids to the volume of solids plus voids in the soil d) Unit weight of saturated soil Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Soil Mechanics MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)