Soil Mechanics Online Test – Paper 3

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  • Total Questions: 50
  • Time Allotted: 50 minutes
  • Passing Score: 70%
  • Randomization: Yes
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1. Most of the shear tests are done in equipment which is:

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2. In a flow net, which of the following statements is true?

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3. * When water content in a soil is reduced beyond the shrinkage limit, the soil will be:

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4. If the water content of a fully saturated soil mass is 100%, then the voids will be

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5. Stability of slopes can be increased by:

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6. If s is the focal length of Kozeny's parabola and k is the coefficient of permeability, the seepage flow rate per unit length of the dam is given as

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7. The critical exit gradient of the seepage of water in a soil is

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8. The load-carrying capacity of the pile is............due to skin friction.

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9. The structure that derives its stability due to self-weight is:

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10. As moisture content of soil increases, cohesion of soil

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11. The assumption of Coulomb's theory is:

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12. Angle of internal friction of silty sand

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13. Bearing capacity of soil is determined by:

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14. The minimum depth of the building foundation in:

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15. The bearing capacity of soil depends on:

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16. The force exerted by flowing water on the sediment particles to cause their motion is called:

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17. Flow lines and equipotential lines are

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18. The bearing capacity of soil primarily depends on:

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19. The angle between the horizontal and the slope of a heap produced by pouring clean dry sand from a small height is known as:

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20. The quantity of water seeping through a soil is

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21. The process of compaction may involve

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22. The water content of soils is defined as the ratio of

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23. The phreatic line is

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24. Saturated soil is concerned with

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25. The angle of internal friction for cohesive soils is equal to:

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26. Which of the following statements is true?

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27. The lateral pressure exerted by a uniform surcharge of intensity q per unit area is:

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28. If the failure of a finite slope occurs through the toe, it is known as:

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29. For normally consolidated clay deposits, the stability analysis of slope by the following method is appropriate:

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30. The passive earth pressure of a soil can be defined as lateral pressure exerted by the soil when the retaining wall tends to

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31. The angle of internal friction of clay is about

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32. A dam is

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33. The angle of repose of soil is defined as the angle that an inclined plane makes with the horizontal when a body placed on it just sliding is:

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34. For testing a saturated clay for shear strength, the test recommended is

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35. Over-consolidated soils caused due to:

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36. Base failure refers to a failure surface that:

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37. Soil which contains particles of different sizes in good proportion is called

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38. The slope of the flow curve obtained in the liquid limit test is called

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39. The functional equation for specific gravity (G), water content (w), void ratio (e), and degree of saturation (Sr) is

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40. The ratio of volume of air voids to the total volume of the given soil mass is known as

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41. The angle of internal friction depends upon

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42. The shearing strength of a cohesionless soil depends upon:

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43. The process of improving the engineering properties of the soil and thus making it more stable is known as

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44. The reduction factor to the bearing capacity of soil due to the water table at a depth equal to half of the width of the footing below the footing is:

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45. The bearing capacity of a weak soil may be improved by:

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46. Compared to dry backfill, submerged backfill will exert:

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47. The well foundation is normally used under:

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48. As sheet pile walls are embedded in soil, for the design of:

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49. The types of compaction suitable in a congested area for cohesive as well as cohesionless soil are

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50. Talus' is the soil transported by

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