Home» Online Test » Civil Engineering » Water Supply & Sanitation Engineering Online Test » Paper 1 » Paper 2 » Paper 3 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This is a FREE online test. Beware of scammers who ask for money to attend this test. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 30 Time Allotted: 30 minutes Passing Score: 50% Randomization: Yes Certificate: No Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 30 1. The approximate diameter of a water mains for supplying 7.15 mld with 1.21 m/sec velocity flow will be a) 10 cm b) 20 cm c) 30 cm d) 50 cm 2 / 30 2. Purest water may have a) no colour b) faint blue-green colour c) dark blue colour d) brownish-yellow colour 3 / 30 3. Widely used pipe for rural water supply in Nepal is: a) HDPE pipes b) GI pipes c) PVC pipes d) CI pipes 4 / 30 4. Hydrants are used for tapping water from mains for: a) fire extinguishing b) street washing c) flushing sewer lines d) all of the above 5 / 30 5. Which one is a waterborne virus infection? a) malaria b) cancer c) dysentery d) jaundice 6 / 30 6. The main function of a manhole is: a) cleaning of sewer b) inspection of sewer c) joining different types of sewer d) joining different grade of sewer 7 / 30 7. Which of the following impurities in water is removed by the sedimentation process? a) total dissolved solids b) bacteria c) iron and manganese d) suspended solids 8 / 30 8. The water supply demand in a day school without a boarder should be a) 10 lpcd b) 20 lpcd c) 30 lpcd d) 40 lpcd 9 / 30 9. At the socket and spigot joint, a) the enlarged end of the pipe is called a socket b) the normal end of the pipe is called a spigot c) the spigot is fitted into the socket d) all of the above 10 / 30 10. In a circular sewer if depth of flow is 0.2 times the full depth, the nominal gradient: a) is only provided b) is doubled c) three d) none of the above 11 / 30 11. The commonly used material for water supply pipes having the property of not easily corroded, strong, long life but heavy and brittle is a) steel b) cast iron c) wrought iron d) RCC 12 / 30 12. Methemoglobinemia (Blue babies) is due to a) oxidation of hemoglobin b) nitrates replacing oxygen in hemoglobin c) nitrites replacing oxygen in hemoglobin d) carbon monoxide replacing oxygen in hemoglobin 13 / 30 13. The shape of the trunk and outfall type of sewer is usually: a) circular b) rectangular type c) horse-shoe type d) egg-shaped type 14 / 30 14. Which one is a waterborne disease? a) malaria b) cancer c) dysentery d) encephalitis 15 / 30 15. Excess concentration of magnesium salts in water causes a) hardness b) bitter taste c) alkalinity d) laxative effect 16 / 30 16. A good source of water requiring practically least treatment is a) perennial river b) impounded reservoir c) deep well d) elevated lake 17 / 30 17. Per capita water demand is calculated in liters a) per person per day b) per person per month c) per person per year d) none of the above 18 / 30 18. Which device warns that the liquid is above the pump level? a) High-level alarm b) Check valve c) Union d) Pump lift chain 19 / 30 19. The factor for the selection of the pumping station site is a) distance of the source of contamination or pollution b) height above the H.F.L. of the river c) future expansion d) all of the above 20 / 30 20. The detention time in a septic tank is usually: a) 1-2 hours b) 5-6 hours c) 18-24 hours d) 22-24 hours 21 / 30 21. B-coli tests are conducted to serve as a a) very good indicator of pathogenic bacteria b) very good indicator of acidity c) very good indicator of alkalinity d) means of detecting turbidity 22 / 30 22. Harmful bacteria are called: a) Parasites b) Anaerobic bacteria c) Aerobic bacteria d) Pathogens 23 / 30 23. The odour of water can be determined by... a) microscope b) telescope c) sonoscope d) osmoscope 24 / 30 24. Flush air inlets are sometimes called: a) ventilated lamp holes b) well hole c) clean outs d) flushing tank 25 / 30 25. Most suitable section of sewer in a separate sewage system is: a) circular section b) rectangular section c) egg-shaped section d) modified egg-shaped section 26 / 30 26. In strainer type wells a) the flow is radial b) the flow is spherical c) area of flow depends upon the size of the cavity d) all of the above 27 / 30 27. Find the BOD with the following data: initial oxygen = 9 PPM, final oxygen = 4 PPM sewage sample 200 ml and diluted sewage = 4 ppm. a) 180 PPM b) 320 PPM c) 200 PPM d) 250 PPM 28 / 30 28. The coverage of water supply in Nepal as per the census of 2011 is a) 90% b) 75% c) 85% d) 70% 29 / 30 29. Asbestos pipes are a) highly resistant to corrosion b) light in weight and easy to transport c) highly flexible to resist deflection up to 120 d) very smooth 30 / 30 30. In water analysis, the test carried out is a) physical b) chemical c) biological d) all of the above Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Water Supply & Sanitation Engineering MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)