Water Supply & Sanitation Engineering Online Test – Paper 2

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  • Total Questions: 30
  • Time Allotted: 30 minutes
  • Passing Score: 50%
  • Randomization: Yes
  • Certificate: No
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1. The approximate diameter of a water mains for supplying 7.15 mld with 1.21 m/sec velocity flow will be

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2. Purest water may have

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3. Widely used pipe for rural water supply in Nepal is:

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4. Hydrants are used for tapping water from mains for:

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5. Which one is a waterborne virus infection?

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6. The main function of a manhole is:

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7. Which of the following impurities in water is removed by the sedimentation process?

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8. The water supply demand in a day school without a boarder should be

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9. At the socket and spigot joint,

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10. In a circular sewer if depth of flow is 0.2 times the full depth, the nominal gradient:

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11. The commonly used material for water supply pipes having the property of not easily corroded, strong, long life but heavy and brittle is

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12. Methemoglobinemia (Blue babies) is due to

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13. The shape of the trunk and outfall type of sewer is usually:

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14. Which one is a waterborne disease?

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15. Excess concentration of magnesium salts in water causes

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16. A good source of water requiring practically least treatment is

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17. Per capita water demand is calculated in liters

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18. Which device warns that the liquid is above the pump level?

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19. The factor for the selection of the pumping station site is

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20. The detention time in a septic tank is usually:

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21. B-coli tests are conducted to serve as a

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22. Harmful bacteria are called:

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23. The odour of water can be determined by...

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24. Flush air inlets are sometimes called:

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25. Most suitable section of sewer in a separate sewage system is:

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26. In strainer type wells

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27. Find the BOD with the following data: initial oxygen = 9 PPM, final oxygen = 4 PPM sewage sample 200 ml and diluted sewage = 4 ppm.

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28. The coverage of water supply in Nepal as per the census of 2011 is

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29. Asbestos pipes are

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30. In water analysis, the test carried out is

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