Home» Online Test » Civil Engineering » Water Supply & Sanitation Engineering Online Test » Paper 1 » Paper 2 » Paper 3 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This is a FREE online test. Beware of scammers who ask for money to attend this test. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 50 Time Allotted: 50 minutes Passing Score: 70% Randomization: Yes Certificate: Yes Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 50 1. A septic tank is a watertight tank where the following operation(s) take place: a) sedimentation b) sedimentation + digestion (anaerobic) c) digestion (aerobic) d) decomposition of organic and inorganic matter by bacteria 2 / 50 2. A water supply system is said to be continuous when it is supplied for: a) 6 hrs b) 12 hrs c) 18 hrs d) 24 hrs 3 / 50 3. Decrease in per capita consumption occurs by a) use of a metering system b) hot climate c) good-quality water is supplied d) all of the above 4 / 50 4. Gravity water supply system starts from a) intake b) collection chamber c) BPT d) faucet 5 / 50 5. Computation of discharges is difficult for: a) dead-end system b) grid iron system c) ring system d) radial system 6 / 50 6. Dengue is termed as which type of disease? a) Waterborne b) Water washed c) Water based d) Water related 7 / 50 7. Excess concentration of magnesium salts in water causes a) hardness b) bitter taste c) alkalinity d) laxative effect 8 / 50 8. The clarigesters are: a) circular septic tanks b) circular imhoff double storage tanks without bottom hoppers c) rectangular septic tanks d) none of the above 9 / 50 9. The head developed in a centrifugal pump, at zero discharge is known as a) low head b) high head c) medium head d) shut off head 10 / 50 10. The per capita consumption of a locality will be more when a) good-quality water is supplied b) during summer months c) distribution pressure is increased d) all of the above 11 / 50 11. PVC pipes can withstand pressure up to a) 20 m head of water b) 50 m head of water c) 100 m head of water d) 150 m head of water 12 / 50 12. Septic tank effluent is: a) quite clear and sparkling b) always odorless c) having fine organic solids with high BOD d) black tarry liquor with an earthy odor 13 / 50 13. Most commonly used section in the grade aqueduct is a) circular b) rectangular c) parabolic d) all of the above 14 / 50 14. Turbidity is measured on.......... a) standard silica scale b) standard cobalt scale c) diagonal scale d) none of the above 15 / 50 15. Baffle wall in septic tank is: a) Short side wall b) Long side wall c) Honeycomb inner wall d) None of the above 16 / 50 16. The radius of influence of the well varies with a) rate of pumping b) water table c) types of well d) none of the above 17 / 50 17. Inverted siphon is made of: a) one pipe b) two pipes c) three pipes d) four pipes 18 / 50 18. Sluice valves in main water supplies are a) used to regulate the flow b) spaced about 5 km apart c) generally provided at the summits d) all of the above 19 / 50 19. If P is the total internal pressure, d is the diameter of the pressure conduit, and t is the thickness of the conduit, the hoop's stress is a) d.p / 2t b) d.p / t c) d.t / 2p d) d.t / p 20 / 50 20. Per capita water demand is calculated in liters a) per person per day b) per person per month c) per person per year d) none of the above 21 / 50 21. By boiling water, hardness can be removed if it is due to: a) Calcium sulphate b) Magnesium sulphate c) Calcium nitrate d) Calcium bicarbonate 22 / 50 22. Water security plan is prepared: a) For consumptive use b) For long-term minimization of hazards and risks c) For quality water storage and uses for different purposes d) For community participation 23 / 50 23. Excess concentration of sodium salts in water causes a) hardness b) bitter taste c) alkalinity d) laxative effect 24 / 50 24. A 1 m cast iron pipe carries a discharge of 0.785 cum/sec, the velocity of flow will be a) 0.9 m/sec b) 1.0 m/sec c) 1.2 m/sec d) none of the above 25 / 50 25. In the above problem 151, using Manning's formula with n = 0.014 then the hydraulic gradient will be a) 1:200 b) 1:400 c) 1:800 d) 1:1000 26 / 50 26. Following material is used during drilling to prevent caving a) bentonite b) thixotropy c) both (a) and (b) above d) none of the above 27 / 50 27. To determine the velocity of the flow of underground water, the most commonly used non-empirical formula is....formula: a) Darcy's b) Slitcher's c) Hazen's d) Lacy's 28 / 50 28. In distribution pipes, drain valves are provided at a) lower point b) higher point c) junction points d) anywhere 29 / 50 29. Any trap is intended to trap foul gases with the provision of: a) clear seal b) sewage or sullage c) otta seal d) water seal 30 / 50 30. A circular section of sewer has the advantage of: a) least parameter for a given area b) offers the least opportunities for deposits c) more suitable when the discharge is approximately constant d) all of the above 31 / 50 31. Mass action' during sedimentation is the property of: a) decrease in mass of sludge b) settling of a particle along with the neighboring particle c) quick spreading of floc d) increase in mass of sludge 32 / 50 32. The approximate diameter of a water mains for supplying 7.15 mld with 1.21 m/sec velocity flow will be a) 10 cm b) 20 cm c) 30 cm d) 50 cm 33 / 50 33. Garbage dumping home is: a) places where garbage is kept b) places where garbage is disposed c) places where garbage is treated d) all of the above 34 / 50 34. The peak water consumption hours as recommended by the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS) is.... hours. a) 5.00-7.00 b) 7.00-12.00 c) 12.00-17.00 d) 17.00-19.00 35 / 50 35. The gradient of a sewer is: a) given in the direction of the natural slope of the ground b) given in the opposite direction of the natural slope of the ground c) zero d) more than 1 in 20 36 / 50 36. The water supply demand in a fully plumbed system in Nepal context a) 45 lpcd b) 65 lpcd c) 112 lpcd d) 135 lpcd 37 / 50 37. The interference of the well depends upon a) the number of wells b) spacing between wells c) types of wells d) all of the above 38 / 50 38. A communicable disease is a) cancer b) fluorosis c) tuberculosis d) goitre 39 / 50 39. For a 150mm diameter sewer, the gradient required to generate self-cleaning velocity is: a) 1 in 10 b) 1 in 100 c) 1 in 200 d) 1 in 300 40 / 50 40. The most dangerous metal for human health is a) zinc b) copper c) lead d) iron 41 / 50 41. Drop manholes are provided on sewers in: a) hilly towns b) plain towns c) manholes are deep d) none of the above 42 / 50 42. The common pipe used in house plumbing is: a) PVC b) HDPE c) GI d) CI 43 / 50 43. The valve provided on the suction pipe in a tube-well is a) air relief valve b) reflux valve c) pressure d) sluice valve 44 / 50 44. Laying of a sewer is generally done with the help of: a) sight rails and boning rod b) theodolite and staff c) leveling and staff d) all of the above 45 / 50 45. A pressure conduit laid underground may not be subjected to a) internal pressure of water b) pressure due to external load c) longitudinal temperature stress d) all of the above 46 / 50 46. Water to the consumers may be supplied from a) rainy wells sunk to the water level b) infiltration well dug out on the banks of rivers c) infiltration galleries connected to a sump well d) all of the above 47 / 50 47. What will happen if an induction motor pump is run under significantly low voltage continually? a) Less water is pumped b) High energy will be consumed, increasing the energy bill c) The motor will make loud noise d) The motor will ultimately burn-out 48 / 50 48. The maximum diameter of a sewer pipe should preferably be: a) 100 cm b) 200 cm c) 300 cm d) 450 cm 49 / 50 49. Turbidity of water is measured in a) mg/1 b) Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU) c) potassium chloroplatinate units d) threshold number 50 / 50 50. Pick up the correct statement: a) If PH<7 then sewage is acidic b) If PH>7 then sewage is alkaline c) If PH=7 the sewage is neutral d) all of the above Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. 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