Home» Online Test » Civil Engineering » Construction Management Online Test » Paper 1 » Paper 2 » Paper 3 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This is a FREE online test. Beware of scammers who ask for money to attend this test. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 30 Time Allotted: 30 minutes Passing Score: 50% Randomization: Yes Certificate: No Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 30 1. Tender documents do not contain: a) Tender form b) BOQ c) Amount of earnest money d) Unit rate 2 / 30 2. At an event other than the final event, if no activity emerges, it results in an error called: a) Looping b) Dangling c) Interfacing d) Splicing 3 / 30 3. The main disadvantage of line organization is: a) Monopoly at the top level b) Rigid structure c) Delay in communications d) All of the above 4 / 30 4. Muster rolls are used for: a) To pay wages of workers employed on a daily basis b) To record the daily construction activities c) To evaluate the construction activities d) To evaluate the performance of workers 5 / 30 5. In a CPM/PERT network, the number of events is: a) Less than the number of activities b) More than the number of activities c) Equal to the number of activities d) All of the above 6 / 30 6. A milestone chart: a) Shows the interdependence of various jobs b) Depicts the delay of jobs c) Shows the events in chronological but not in a logical sequence d) All of the above 7 / 30 7. The term CPM in construction management is an abbreviation of: a) Construction Project Management b) Critical Path Method c) Controlling Planning and Maintenance d) Crucial project management 8 / 30 8. Negative slack occurs: a) When a deficiency of resources exists b) When the latest allowable time is greater than the earliest expected time c) When events stick to their schedule d) None of the above 9 / 30 9. The district rate finalizing committee does not include the representative of: a) Nepal Engineer's Association, district unit b) District Development Committee c) Contractor's Association d) District Technical Office 10 / 30 10. The constraint in the case of resource smoothing operation would be: a) On the resources b) Project duration time c) Both (a) and (b) above d) None of the above 11 / 30 11. The time by which the particular activity can be delayed without affecting the preceding and succeeding activities is known as: a) Interfering float b) Independent float c) Total float d) Free float 12 / 30 12. Which of the following does not represent an activity? a) Site located b) Foundation is being dug c) The office area is being cleaned d) The invitations are being sent 13 / 30 13. If the completion time for a particular project is 6 weeks and its expected time is 8 weeks, then the slack time for the project is: a) 2 weeks b) -2 weeks c) 0 d) None of the above 14 / 30 14. The upper portion of horizontal bars in a bar chart indicates: a) Total duration for completion of an activity b) Progress of work in the specified time c) Due duration for the completion of an activity d) All of the above 15 / 30 15. Bar charts are considered suitable for: a) Major projects b) Minor projects c) Large projects d) All of the above 16 / 30 16. The dual-role event is: a) Head as well as tail event b) Sum of head and tail event c) Any event other than head and tail event d) None of the above 17 / 30 17. Whenever an activity has zero total float, then: a) Free float of the activity must be zero but independent float need not be zero b) Independent float must be zero but free float need not be zero c) Free float and independent float both must be zero d) Free float and independent float both need not be zero. 18 / 30 18. PERT technique of network analysis is useful for: a) Small projects b) Large projects c) Research and development projects d) All of the above 19 / 30 19. The occurrence of the starting of an activity is called its: a) Head event b) Tail event c) Dual-role event d) All of the above 20 / 30 20. CPM family includes: a) Critical Path Analysis (CPA) b) Critical Path Plotted (CPP) c) Critical Path Scheduling (CPS) d) All of the above 21 / 30 21. A fictitious activity with zero duration and no cost used to maintain the sequential order of the activities in the network is known as a: a) Restraint b) Dummy activity c) Event d) All of the above 22 / 30 22. The direct cost of a project with respect to normal time is: a) Maximum b) Minimum c) Zero d) Infinite 23 / 30 23. Policy is: a) A rule or a set of rules never to be violated b) A definite rule along which one has to proceed c) A procedure for preparing the project report d) A set of broad guidelines stipulated by management 24 / 30 24. The interrelationship between the functional elements of a program is achieved through: a) Work Breakdown Structure b) Bar charts c) Gantt chart d) All of the above 25 / 30 25. The owner gets assurance of work progress and quality from: a) Supervisor b) Contractor c) Engineer d) Labours 26 / 30 26. Which operation must complete first? a) Right of the line joining two circles b) Left of the line joining two circles c) Both of the above d) None of the above 27 / 30 27. An event is: a) A definite job b) A definite time interval c) The terminals of an activity d) A definite position of an activity 28 / 30 28. Residential buildings are treated as: a) Light construction b) Heavy construction c) Industrial construction d) None of the above 29 / 30 29. Construction team means: a) An engineer b) An owner c) A contractor d) All of the above 30 / 30 30. The duration of time which an activity can be delayed without affecting the succeeding activity is called free float which affects only: a) Preceding activities b) Succeeding activities c) The particular activity d) None of the above Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Construction Management MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)