Construction Management Online Test – Paper 2

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  • Total Questions: 30
  • Time Allotted: 30 minutes
  • Passing Score: 50%
  • Randomization: Yes
  • Certificate: No
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1. Tender documents do not contain:

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2. At an event other than the final event, if no activity emerges, it results in an error called:

3 / 30

3. The main disadvantage of line organization is:

4 / 30

4. Muster rolls are used for:

5 / 30

5. In a CPM/PERT network, the number of events is:

6 / 30

6. A milestone chart:

7 / 30

7. The term CPM in construction management is an abbreviation of:

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8. Negative slack occurs:

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9. The district rate finalizing committee does not include the representative of:

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10. The constraint in the case of resource smoothing operation would be:

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11. The time by which the particular activity can be delayed without affecting the preceding and succeeding activities is known as:

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12. Which of the following does not represent an activity?

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13. If the completion time for a particular project is 6 weeks and its expected time is 8 weeks, then the slack time for the project is:

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14. The upper portion of horizontal bars in a bar chart indicates:

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15. Bar charts are considered suitable for:

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16. The dual-role event is:

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17. Whenever an activity has zero total float, then:

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18. PERT technique of network analysis is useful for:

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19. The occurrence of the starting of an activity is called its:

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20. CPM family includes:

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21. A fictitious activity with zero duration and no cost used to maintain the sequential order of the activities in the network is known as a:

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22. The direct cost of a project with respect to normal time is:

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23. Policy is:

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24. The interrelationship between the functional elements of a program is achieved through:

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25. The owner gets assurance of work progress and quality from:

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26. Which operation must complete first?

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27. An event is:

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28. Residential buildings are treated as:

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29. Construction team means:

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30. The duration of time which an activity can be delayed without affecting the succeeding activity is called free float which affects only:

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