Construction Materials Online Test – Paper 1

Created by 05ee5296782fad7019cdf7681b0f8797 gkaimVikash chaudhary

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  • Total Questions: 20
  • Time Allotted: 30 minutes
  • Passing Score: 40%
  • Randomization: No
  • Certificate: No
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1. A dry powder obtained on treating quick lime with just enough water to satisfy its chemical affinity for water under the condition of its hydration is called

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2. The quick lime as it comes from kilns is called

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3. *Lime concrete is used in

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4. As compared to fat lime, the hydraulic lime sets

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5. Very strong lime mortar is obtained from

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6. *The paints used in aircraft are

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7. *The painting work is generally specified by

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8. *The function of paint is

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9. *The paint which gives illumination during the night is called

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10. *Duco is the trade name for

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11. *Shingle is

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12. Common sand is a variety of

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13. Granite contains primarily

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14. The minimum hardness number for marble is about

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15. Trap is a

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16. The strength of cement is reduced by.......after 6 months

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17. The strength of cement up to three months

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18. *Cement is said to be of good if

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19. *The commonly used raw material in the manufacture of cement is

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20. Gypsum is added to cement for reducing the fast reacting property of

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