Estimating & Costing Online Test – Paper 3

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  • Total Questions: 50
  • Time Allotted: 50 minutes
  • Passing Score: 70%
  • Randomization: Yes
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1 / 50

1. When not specified, the volume of steel in R.C.C work is taken as

2 / 50

2. The unit of measurement for steel works in trussed and its parts is

3 / 50

3. In the analysis of rates, what percentage of total cost is provided towards water charges?

4 / 50

4. Providing and assembling in position false work for the construction of RCC superstructure is measured in:

5 / 50

5. In the center line method of working out volumes, for cross walls, what deductions must be made from the center line length at each junction?

6 / 50

6. In detailed measurement, the sequence of dimensions is written:

7 / 50

7. Evaluation of building is done based on

8 / 50

8. The types of work done by the use of labor but not material, equipment, etc., are known as:

9 / 50

9. Full payment of the contractor is done

10 / 50

10. In which of the following works, the work turned in cu.m per mason per day will be the least?

11 / 50

11. The explosive for blasting is usually expressed in terms of

12 / 50

12. Which of the following is not an essential part of the general specification of public works?

13 / 50

13. Following items of earthwork are not measured separately

14 / 50

14. Minimum size of the pipe connected to the septic tank is

15 / 50

15. The unit of payment for excavation trenches for pipes, cables, etc., up to 1.5 m depth in ordinary rock/hard rock is

16 / 50

16. The useful part of the livable area of a building is also known as

17 / 50

17. One metric horsepower is equal to

18 / 50

18. The unit of payment for A.C. sheet roofing is in

19 / 50

19. The value shown in the account book after allowing necessary depreciation is known as

20 / 50

20. Due to a change in the price level, a revised estimate is prepared if the sanctioned estimate exceeds:

21 / 50

21. The unit of measurement for beading provided in door and window frame, rafters, etc., is

22 / 50

22. Generally, the unit of measurement for partition walls is

23 / 50

23. The depreciation of the value of the building costs are generally not considered for the initial:

24 / 50

24. The actual size of the modular brick (as per IS Code) is

25 / 50

25. Estimate is

26 / 50

26. In the case of a roof truss made of steel, rivets, bolts, nuts, etc., normally account for

27 / 50

27. Payment of the steel is done by

28 / 50

28. How many kilo-liters are in one cubic meter?

29 / 50

29. As per norms prepared by the ministry of transport & works, one porter can carry a weight of

30 / 50

30. Contractor profit is added to

31 / 50

31. In the long and short wall method of estimation, the length of the long wall is the center to center space between walls plus

32 / 50

32. When engineering departments undertake the works of other departments, the amount charged toward design, supervision, and execution, etc., is called

33 / 50

33. During the calculation of RCC, the amount of steel deducted is

34 / 50

34. A document containing a detailed description of all types of work (but their quantities are not mentioned) together with their current rates is called

35 / 50

35. During the excavation of soil, some portion is left without disturbing, which is known as

36 / 50

36. The annual periodic payments made for the repayment of the capital invested are known as

37 / 50

37. The unit of measurement for electric wiring or electrification light, fan plug points is

38 / 50

38. The net annual letting out value of a property, which is obtained after deducting the amount of yearly repairs from the gross income, is known as

39 / 50

39. The number of corrugations in a galvanized corrugated sheet is usually

40 / 50

40. In the specification of earthwork in foundation trenches, drains, etc. lift ordinarily specified is

41 / 50

41. The technique of finding the fair price of an existing building or property is known as

42 / 50

42. End lap provided in asbestos cements is equal to

43 / 50

43. A document showing the list of quantity of various items of works required for the completion of any project is known as

44 / 50

44. The necessary elements of the estimate are:

45 / 50

45. Dismantle means

46 / 50

46. The number of skilled and unskilled manpower required for the fabrication of one metric ton steel (Norms prepared by DoR) is

47 / 50

47. In the analysis of rates, the profit and overhead for the contractor are generally taken as

48 / 50

48. The value of the property (without being disassembled) at the end of the useful life period is known as

49 / 50

49. The thickness of 25 gauge sheet is

50 / 50

50. The building material brick

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