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Providing and assembling in position false work for the construction of RCC superstructure is measured in: a) Meter b) Square meter c) Cubic meter d) Kg 5 / 50 5. In the center line method of working out volumes, for cross walls, what deductions must be made from the center line length at each junction? a) twice the breadth b) breadth c) 1.5 times the breadth d) half the breadth 6 / 50 6. In detailed measurement, the sequence of dimensions is written: a) L x B x H b) B x H x L c) H x L x B d) B x L x H 7 / 50 7. Evaluation of building is done based on a) detailed estimate b) plinth area rate c) cube rate d) depreciation method 8 / 50 8. The types of work done by the use of labor but not material, equipment, etc., are known as: a) Day work b) Minor work c) Petty work d) Casual work 9 / 50 9. Full payment of the contractor is done a) After agreement b) After construction c) After maintenance d) All of the above 10 / 50 10. In which of the following works, the work turned in cu.m per mason per day will be the least? a) Random rubble masonry in lime mortar b) Stone arch work c) Brick masonry in superstructure d) Brick masonry in parapet wall 11 / 50 11. The explosive for blasting is usually expressed in terms of a) explosive power b) volume of earthwork that can be blasted c) kilograms d) none of the above 12 / 50 12. Which of the following is not an essential part of the general specification of public works? a) Material details b) Work methodology c) Illustrative sketches d) Mode of measurement for payment 13 / 50 13. Following items of earthwork are not measured separately a) setting out of work b) site clearance c) dead man d) all of the above 14 / 50 14. Minimum size of the pipe connected to the septic tank is a) 50 mm b) 100 mm c) 150 mm d) 200 mm 15 / 50 15. The unit of payment for excavation trenches for pipes, cables, etc., up to 1.5 m depth in ordinary rock/hard rock is a) cu m b) sq m c) metre d) tonne 16 / 50 16. The useful part of the livable area of a building is also known as a) Carpet area b) Circulation area c) Horizontal circulation area d) Plinth area 17 / 50 17. One metric horsepower is equal to a) 1.36 kW b) 0.736 kW c) 1.736 kW d) 0.746 kW 18 / 50 18. The unit of payment for A.C. sheet roofing is in a) cu m b) sq m c) metre d) quintal 19 / 50 19. The value shown in the account book after allowing necessary depreciation is known as a) Salvage value b) Book value c) Market value d) Rateable value 20 / 50 20. Due to a change in the price level, a revised estimate is prepared if the sanctioned estimate exceeds: a) 2% b) 3% c) 4% d) 5% 21 / 50 21. The unit of measurement for beading provided in door and window frame, rafters, etc., is a) metre b) cm c) quintal d) cu m 22 / 50 22. Generally, the unit of measurement for partition walls is a) cu m b) sq m c) running metre d) numbers 23 / 50 23. The depreciation of the value of the building costs are generally not considered for the initial: a) First year of the building b) Two years of the building c) Five years of the building d) Twenty years of the building 24 / 50 24. The actual size of the modular brick (as per IS Code) is a) 19cm x 9cm x 9cm b) 20cm x 9cm x 9cm c) 20cm x 10cm x 9cm d) 20cm x 10cm x 9cm 25 / 50 25. Estimate is a) the actual cost of construction of a structure b) the probable cost arrived at before the commencement of the structure c) a random guess of the cost of the structure d) none of the above 26 / 50 26. In the case of a roof truss made of steel, rivets, bolts, nuts, etc., normally account for a) 5% b) 10% c) 15% d) 20% 27 / 50 27. Payment of the steel is done by a) per quintal b) per MT c) per thousand d) per bundle 28 / 50 28. How many kilo-liters are in one cubic meter? a) 0.5 b) 1 c) 10 d) 100 29 / 50 29. As per norms prepared by the ministry of transport & works, one porter can carry a weight of a) 50 kg upto 5 kosh b) 40 kg upto 4 kosh c) 30 kg upto 3 kosh d) None of the above 30 / 50 30. Contractor profit is added to a) Detailed estimate b) Rate analysis c) Valuation d) Salvage 31 / 50 31. In the long and short wall method of estimation, the length of the long wall is the center to center space between walls plus a) breadth of the wall b) half of the breadth of the wall on each side c) one-fourth of the breadth of the wall on each side d) none of the above 32 / 50 32. When engineering departments undertake the works of other departments, the amount charged toward design, supervision, and execution, etc., is called a) Work-charged establishment b) Contingencies c) Service charge d) Centage charge 33 / 50 33. During the calculation of RCC, the amount of steel deducted is a) 3% of the total steel b) 5% of the total steel c) 10% of the total steel d) 0% of the total steel 34 / 50 34. A document containing a detailed description of all types of work (but their quantities are not mentioned) together with their current rates is called a) Tender b) Schedule of rates c) Analysis of rate d) Abstract estimate 35 / 50 35. During the excavation of soil, some portion is left without disturbing, which is known as a) Dead man b) Motam c) Tell-tale d) All of the above 36 / 50 36. The annual periodic payments made for the repayment of the capital invested are known as a) Annuity b) Depreciation c) Sinking fund d) Salvation 37 / 50 37. The unit of measurement for electric wiring or electrification light, fan plug points is a) point b) meter c) number d) no unit 38 / 50 38. The net annual letting out value of a property, which is obtained after deducting the amount of yearly repairs from the gross income, is known as a) Market value b) Book value c) Sinking value d) Rateable value 39 / 50 39. The number of corrugations in a galvanized corrugated sheet is usually a) 6 b) 8 c) 10 d) 12 40 / 50 40. In the specification of earthwork in foundation trenches, drains, etc. lift ordinarily specified is a) 30 m b) 1.5 m c) 5 m d) 3 m 41 / 50 41. The technique of finding the fair price of an existing building or property is known as a) Estimation b) Valuation c) Pricing d) Costing 42 / 50 42. End lap provided in asbestos cements is equal to a) 5 cm b) 10 cm c) 15 cm d) 25 cm 43 / 50 43. A document showing the list of quantity of various items of works required for the completion of any project is known as a) Schedule of quantity b) Schedule of rates c) Analysis of rate d) Abstract estimate 44 / 50 44. The necessary elements of the estimate are: a) Drawing b) Specification c) Rates d) All of the above 45 / 50 45. Dismantle means a) Same as dismantle b) Breaking up the structure c) Breaking up the structure with care d) All of the above 46 / 50 46. The number of skilled and unskilled manpower required for the fabrication of one metric ton steel (Norms prepared by DoR) is a) 2,9 b) 3,9 c) 4,9 d) 5,9 47 / 50 47. In the analysis of rates, the profit and overhead for the contractor are generally taken as a) 20% b) 15% c) 10% d) 5% 48 / 50 48. The value of the property (without being disassembled) at the end of the useful life period is known as a) Scrap value b) Salvage value c) Junk value d) Book value 49 / 50 49. The thickness of 25 gauge sheet is a) Less than 1 mm b) 1 mm c) Between 1 and 1.5 mm d) 2 mm 50 / 50 50. The building material brick a) Absorbs more heat than stone b) Absorbs less heat than stone c) Absorbs equal heat as the stone d) May be less or more Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Estimating & Costing MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)