Home» Online Test » Civil Engineering » Hydraulics Online Test » Paper 1 » Paper 2 » Paper 3 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This is a FREE online test. Beware of scammers who ask for money to attend this test. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 50 Time Allotted: 50 minutes Passing Score: 70% Randomization: Yes Certificate: Yes Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 50 1. *The hydraulic ram is a device a) for lifting water without an electric motor b) for accelerating water flow c) for lifting heavy loads d) none of the above 2 / 50 2. *The most economical section of a circular channel for the maximum velocity is when a) depth of water = 0.810 diameter b) hydraulic mean depth = 0.304 diameter of the circular section c) wetted perimeter = 2.245 diameters of the circular section d) all of the above 3 / 50 3. In fluids, steady flow occurs when a) the condition of flow change steadily with time b) the condition of flow do not change with time c) the condition of flow remains the same at adjacent points d) the velocity vector remains constant at a point 4 / 50 4. When the pipes are connected in series, the total rate of flow a) is equal to the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe b) is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the rate of flow in each pipe c) is the same as flowing through each pipe d) none of the above 5 / 50 5. The Manning's formula for flow in an open channel is given by a) v = n R^2/3 S^1/2 b) none of the above c) v = 1/n R^2/3 S^1/2 d) v = 1/n R^1/2 S^2/3 6 / 50 6. In the case of leveling by a level pipe, the level is indicated by a) upper face b) middle face c) lower face d) all of the above 7 / 50 7. Super-critical flow occurs in a) normal slope b) mild slope c) steep slope d) all of the above 8 / 50 8. *Molecules of fluids get attracted due to a) capillary action b) surface tension c) adhesion d) cohesion 9 / 50 9. Cavitations is collapsed by a) low pressure b) high pressure c) low velocity d) high velocity 10 / 50 10. The term P/pg is known as a) kinetic energy b) pressure energy per unit weight c) kinetic energy per unit weight d) none of the above 11 / 50 11. If the total head of the nozzle of a pipe is 37.5m and the discharge is 1 cubic meter per second, then the power generated is a) 500 HP b) 550 HP c) 400 HP d) 450 HP 12 / 50 12. In an inclined pipe, the pressure difference at its two ends is due to a) sudden head drop at the inlet b) exit head drop c) frictional loss head d) all of the above 13 / 50 13. If the Froude number in open channel flow is more than 1.0, the flow is called a) critical flow b) streaming flow c) shooting flow d) none of the above 14 / 50 14. Practical fluids possess a) viscosity b) surface tension c) compressibility d) all of the above 15 / 50 15. A siphon is an a) L-shaped pipe b) U-shaped pipe c) inverted U-shaped pipe d) all of the above 16 / 50 16. The ratio of the percentage error in the discharge and the percentage error in the measurement of head over a triangular notch is a) 2/3 b) 3/2 c) 2/5 d) 5/2 17 / 50 17. *The atmospheric pressure varies with a) altitude b) temperature c) weather conditions d) none of the above 18 / 50 18. *Orifice-meter is used to measure: a) pressure at the point b) discharge c) average speed d) velocity 19 / 50 19. *Pressure within a soap bubble is a) equal to vapor pressure b) less than external pressure c) more than external pressure d) equal to external pressure 20 / 50 20. *Water cushion is used to a) sit in the house b) destroy the energy c) produce energy d) none of the above 21 / 50 21. Hooke's law for solids is analogous to a) Newton's law of viscosity b) Pascal's law c) Boundary layer theory d) continuity equation 22 / 50 22. Poise is the unit of a) mass density b) kinematic viscosity c) viscosity d) pressure gradient 23 / 50 23. ........ is defined as the maximum increase in water level in the path of the flow of water a) afflux b) rising of the wall c) flood d) rainfall 24 / 50 24. *The discharge through a trapezoidal channel is maximum when a) half of the width = sloping side b) top width = 1/2 sloping side c) top width = 1.5 sloping side d) none of the above 25 / 50 25. The viscosity of liquids varies with temperature a) directly proportional b) inversely proportional c) constant d) none of the above 26 / 50 26. The total energy of a liquid in motion is equal to: a) pressure energy + kinetic energy + potential energy b) pressure energy - (kinetic energy + potential energy) c) potential energy - (pressure energy + kinetic energy) d) kinetic energy - (pressure energy + potential energy) 27 / 50 27. If the volume of a liquid weighing 3000 kg is 4 cubic meters, then 0.75 is its a) specific weight b) specific mass c) specific gravity d) none of the above 28 / 50 28. *Bernoulli's equation assumes that a) fluid is non-viscous b) fluid is homogeneous c) flow is along the streamline d) all of the above 29 / 50 29. Which of the following quantities are dimensionless? a) surface tension b) specific weight c) angular velocity d) Mach number 30 / 50 30. *The wetted perimeter of a channel is given by a) 4.75Q^2 b) 4.75Q c) 4.75√Q d) none of the above 31 / 50 31. *The rate of flow through a venturimeter varies as a) H^1/2 b) H^3/2 c) H^4/2 d) H^5/2 32 / 50 32. If fluid or flow parameters at any given instant remain the same at every point in space, it is called: a) steady flow b) laminar flow c) uniform flow d) rotational flow 33 / 50 33. Mouthpieces are used to measure a) velocity b) pressure c) head d) rate of flow 34 / 50 34. *Surface tension is the force a) per unit length b) per unit area c) per unit volume d) all of the above 35 / 50 35. *The phenomenon occurring in an open channel when a rapidly flowing stream abruptly changes to a slowly flowing stream, causing a distinct rise of the liquid surface, is a) water hammer b) hydraulic jump c) critical discharge d) all of the above 36 / 50 36. *The floating method is used for the measurement of a) discharge b) head c) pressure d) none of the above 37 / 50 37. If the fluid particles move in straight lines and all the lines are parallel to the surface, the flow is called a) steady b) uniform c) compressible d) laminar 38 / 50 38. The viscosity of gases varies with temperature a) directly proportional b) inversely proportional c) constant d) none of the above 39 / 50 39. Critical depth (he) is given by (where q= rate of flow per unit width of channel) a) (q^2/g)^1/3 b) (q^2/g)^1/4 c) (q^2/g)^1/2 d) none of the above 40 / 50 40. In a flowing liquid, a particle may possess a) potential energy b) kinetic energy c) pressure energy d) all of the above 41 / 50 41. Liquids a) cannot be compressed b) do not occupy definite shape c) are not affected by change in pressure and temperature d) none of the above 42 / 50 42. *Cipolleti weir is a a) rectangular weir whose length is kept 3 times the height of the water above the sill b) triangular weir, whose notch angle is 90° c) trapezoidal weir, whose sides slope 1 horizontal to 4 verticals d) a combination of rectangular and triangular weirs 43 / 50 43. The water immediately downstream of the conduit or weir is called a) head water b) tail water c) main water d) surplus water 44 / 50 44. If the specific gravity of oil is 0.7, then find the density of oil a) 1000 kg/cm^3 b) 900 kg/cm^3 c) 800 kg/cm^3 d) 700 kg/cm^3 45 / 50 45. The imaginary line drawn such that the tangents at its all points indicate the direction of the velocity of the fluid particle at each point is called a) path line b) stream line c) potential line d) streak line 46 / 50 46. In an open channel flow a) the velocity distribution is symmetrical about the pipe axis b) the maximum velocity occurs at a little distance below the water surface c) flow cross-section is fixed d) the flow takes place at the expense of hydraulic pressure 47 / 50 47. *The types of instrument used to measure low pressure with accuracy is a) piezometer b) barometer c) micro manometer d) mechanical gauge 48 / 50 48. *If a pitot tube is placed with its nose facing sideways, the liquid a) rises in the tube b) falls in the tube c) neither rises nor falls in the tube d) all of the above 49 / 50 49. *The hydraulic radius is equal to a) area divided by the square of the wetted perimeter b) wetted area divided by the wetted perimeter c) the wetted perimeter divided by the area d) the square root of the area 50 / 50 50. The thickness of a sharp-crested weir is kept less than a) one-third of the height of water on the sill b) one-half of the height of water on the sill c) two-thirds of the height of water on the sill d) four-thirds of the height of water on the sill Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Hydraulics MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)