Home» Online Test » Civil Engineering » Hydraulics Online Test » Paper 1 » Paper 2 » Paper 3 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This is a FREE online test. Beware of scammers who ask for money to attend this test. Total Questions: 20 Time Allotted: 30 minutes Passing Score: 40% Randomization: No Certificate: No Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 20 1. The basic head loss in a long pipe is: a) fittings b) sudden increase in diameter c) sudden decrease in diameter d) friction 2 / 20 2. When the water level on the downstream side of a weir is above the top surface of a weir, the weir is known as: a) submerged weir b) narrow-crested weir c) broad-crested weir d) ogee weir 3 / 20 3. If fluid or flow parameters at any given instant remain the same at every point in space, it is called: a) steady flow b) laminar flow c) uniform flow d) rotational flow 4 / 20 4. In the case of a broad-crested weir, the depth of water h at the end of the still is given by a) h = H/2 b) h = 2H/3 c) h = 3H/4 d) h = H 5 / 20 5. The discharge through a V-notch weir is directly proportional to: a) the bed slope of the channel upstream b) the depth of flow c) the top width of the notch d) the angle of the notch and the depth of the flow 6 / 20 6. For uniform flow in the channel a) the total energy line, hydraulic gradient line, and the bottom of the channel are parallel b) the total energy line and water surface are horizontal, while the bottom of the channel is inclined c) total energy line, water surface, and the bottom of the channel are parallel d) none of the above 7 / 20 7. In an open channel flow a) the hydraulic gradient line is lower than the liquid surface b) the hydraulic gradient line coincides with the liquid surface c) the hydraulic gradient line is higher than the liquid surface d) none of the above 8 / 20 8. In an open channel flow a) the velocity distribution is symmetrical about the pipe axis b) the maximum velocity occurs at a little distance below the water surface c) flow cross-section is fixed d) the flow takes place at the expense of hydraulic pressure 9 / 20 9. Open channel flow is a) one in which the liquid is flowing in a conduit and has a free surface b) one in which the liquid is flowing in a closed conduit running full c) a covered channel running full d) one in which the liquid is flowing in a conduit under pressure 10 / 20 10. *The hydraulic ram is a device a) for lifting water without an electric motor b) for accelerating water flow c) for lifting heavy loads d) none of the above 11 / 20 11. *The floating method is used for the measurement of a) discharge b) head c) pressure d) none of the above 12 / 20 12. From a nozzle exposed to the atmosphere, the liquid jet traverses a) a straight line b) a circular path c) a parabolic path d) an elliptical path 13 / 20 13. *Chazy's formula is given by a) v = C√mi b) v = m√ci c) v = C√mci d) v = i√mc 14 / 20 14. Chazy's formula is used to determine a) head loss due to friction in pipes b) velocity of flow in pipe c) velocity of flow in channels d) none of the above 15 / 20 15. *Head loss increases with a) an increase in velocity b) a decrease in velocity c) a decrease in length of the pipe d) an increase in the diameter of the pipe 16 / 20 16. In an inclined pipe, the pressure difference at its two ends is due to a) sudden head drop at the inlet b) exit head drop c) frictional loss head d) all of the above 17 / 20 17. Discharge over an ogee weir remains the same as that of a) sharp-crested weir b) triangular weir c) Cipolleti weir d) drowned weir 18 / 20 18. The thickness of a sharp-crested weir is kept less than a) one-third of the height of water on the sill b) one-half of the height of water on the sill c) two-thirds of the height of water on the sill d) four-thirds of the height of water on the sill 19 / 20 19. *Cipolleti weir is a a) rectangular weir whose length is kept 3 times the height of the water above the sill b) triangular weir, whose notch angle is 90° c) trapezoidal weir, whose sides slope 1 horizontal to 4 verticals d) a combination of rectangular and triangular weirs 20 / 20 20. *The discharge passing through the crest having a length of 1.25m, a height of the flow of water 0.25m, and Cd = 0.035 is a) 0.0116 cm³/sec b) 0.116 cm³/sec c) 0.0160 cm³/sec d) 0.00116 cm³/sec Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. Send feedback Buy Hydraulics MCQ PDF for Offline Study Share the above MCQs:Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window)Click to share on X (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)
Wow, getting too much information.