Water Supply & Sanitation Engineering Online Test – Paper 3

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  • Total Questions: 50
  • Time Allotted: 50 minutes
  • Passing Score: 70%
  • Randomization: Yes
  • Certificate: Yes
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1. A good source of water requiring practically least treatment is

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2. Which is in the correct order?

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3. Slow sand filter is efficient to remove bacteria from the raw water to an extent of:

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4. The bacteria which require free oxygen for their survival are called:

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5. If the period of incubation at 37°C is 15 days in the relative stability test on sewage, the relative stability is:

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6. The most commonly used coagulant is:

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7. The relation between porosity, specific yield, and specific retention is given by

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8. A 1 m cast iron pipe carries a discharge of 0.785 cum/sec, the velocity of flow will be

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9. Water demand for public use as compared to the total demand, kept in the design of waterworks for a city, is

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10. If 10 ml of raw sewage is diluted to 250 ml, the dilution factor is:

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11. If p is the population of a place in thousands then the fire demand of water in liters per minute, according to Kuichling formula, is given by

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12. In strainer type wells

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13. The colour of water is measured on the platinum cobalt scale with the help of

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14. Pipes for water supply are tested for

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15. Gravity conduits

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16. The water which is not chemically pure but does not contain anything harmful to human health is known as

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17. The highest non-scouring velocity in a sewer may be allowed in:

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18. Corrosion of well pipes can be reduced by:

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19. The disinfection efficiency of chlorination

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20. Traddle pump is operated by

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21. The difference between a septic tank and an imhoff tank is that in an imhoff tank:

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22. A circular section for a sewer is preferred only up to a diameter of:

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23. Manhole is said to be shallow if its depth is less than:

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24. The ratio of the maximum daily consumption to the average demand is

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25. The process of obtaining energy for their (bacteria) synthesis after the oxidation of organic or inorganic matter is called

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26. Grit is:

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27. For a 150mm diameter sewer, the gradient required to generate self-cleaning velocity is:

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28. Designation of GI pipe is done with:

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29. Total quantity of reservoir is the sum of the following

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30. Dyspepsia (Indigestion) is caused due to

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31. PVC pipes can withstand pressure up to

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32. A circular section of sewer has the advantage of:

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33. The head developed in a centrifugal pump, at zero discharge is known as

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34. Imhoff tank is a:

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35. The sewer meant to carry excess discharge from an existing sewer is called:

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36. Water for domestic consumption should be:

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37. Dug wells or open wells

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38. Advantage of pressure conduits is

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39. Computation of discharges is difficult for:

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40. "A right-angled sleeve (valve) connected in the water main through which water is tapped for domestic supply is called:

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41. Garbage dumping home is:

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42. The most widely used tube well in Nepal is

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43. The velocity of water in water mains of 40 cm diameter is usually kept

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44. Turbidity is the ability of water to

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45. In the above problem 151, using Manning's formula with n = 0.014 then the hydraulic gradient will be

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46. When the limiting non-scouring velocity is 5 m/sec, the type of sewer generally used is:

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47. What will be the daily per capita water demand for a city of 0.2 million people whose total water requirement per annum is 19,710,000 cubic meters?

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48. The sewage consists of water:

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49. The peak water consumption hours as recommended by the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS) is.... hours.

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50. Incrustation of well pipes can be reduced by:

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