Home» Online Test » Civil Engineering » Construction Management Online Test » Paper 1 » Paper 2 » Paper 3 0% Sorry, time's up. To complete the online test, please restart it. Created by Vikash chaudhary This is a FREE online test. Beware of scammers who ask for money to attend this test. Get New Questions in Each Attempt Total Questions: 50 Time Allotted: 50 minutes Passing Score: 70% Randomization: Yes Certificate: Yes Do not refresh the page! 👍 All the best! 1 / 50 1. The maximum amount for the approval of tender by Gazetted 3rd class officer is: a) Three crore b) Seven crore c) Fifteen crore d) More than fifteen crore 2 / 50 2. Free float is mainly used to: a) Identify the activities which can be delayed without affecting the total float of preceding activity b) Identify the activities which can be delayed without affecting the total float of succeeding activity c) Establish priorities d) Identify the activities which can be delayed without affecting the total float of either the preceding or succeeding activities 3 / 50 3. The difference between the total float and the free float is termed as: a) Start float b) Finish float c) Independent float d) Interfering float 4 / 50 4. Total float for any activity is defined as the difference between: a) Its latest finish time and earliest start time for its successor activity b) Its latest start time and earliest start time c) Its latest start time and earliest finish time d) Its earliest finish time and earliest start time for its successor activity 5 / 50 5. Direct cost of a project is due to: a) Establishment charges such as salaries to administrative staff b) Loss or gain of revenue c) Penalty imposed d) Cost of materials and wages of labor 6 / 50 6. CPM family includes: a) Critical Path Analysis (CPA) b) Critical Path Plotted (CPP) c) Critical Path Scheduling (CPS) d) All of the above 7 / 50 7. 'Wait' in CPM belongs to the category of: a) Node b) Motion c) Event d) Activity 8 / 50 8. The benefit of the PERT network is taken by the management in: a) Formulating a new schedule b) Coordinating various tasks c) Readjusting the time to meet the target d) All of the above 9 / 50 9. The time with which direct cost does not reduce with the increase in time is known as: a) Normal time b) Crash time c) Optimistic time d) Standard time 10 / 50 10. Milestone charts are developed in: a) 1900 AD b) 1940 AD c) 1957 AD d) 1974 AD 11 / 50 11. Construction team means: a) An engineer b) An owner c) A contractor d) All of the above 12 / 50 12. The probability of completion of any activity within its expected time in PERT is: a) 0% b) 50% c) 75% d) 100% 13 / 50 13. In PERT, optimistic time is: a) The minimum time in which any activity can possibly be accomplished b) The maximum time which an activity might require c) The time which has the highest probability of occurrence d) None of the above 14 / 50 14. The owner gets assurance of work progress and quality from: a) Supervisor b) Contractor c) Engineer d) Labours 15 / 50 15. Which of the following does not represent an activity? a) Site located b) Foundation is being dug c) The office area is being cleaned d) The invitations are being sent 16 / 50 16. Of the following, the PERT event is: a) Fixing of doors b) Plastering of walls c) Concrete cured d) Selection of sites 17 / 50 17. The district rate finalizing committee does not include the representative of: a) Nepal Engineer's Association, district unit b) District Development Committee c) Contractor's Association d) District Technical Office 18 / 50 18. The meaning of modular coordination in construction is: a) Planning b) Designing c) Execution d) All of the above 19 / 50 19. A fictitious activity with zero duration and no cost used to maintain the sequential order of the activities in the network is known as a: a) Restraint b) Dummy activity c) Event d) All of the above 20 / 50 20. Assuming that the cost varies with time, the cost-slope is defined as: a) Crash cost - Normal cost / Crash time b) Crash cost - Normal cost / Normal time c) Crash cost - Normal cost / Normal time - Crash time d) None of the above 21 / 50 21. Critical activities having total float are: a) Positive b) Negative c) Zero d) Equal 22 / 50 22. Which operation must complete first? a) Right of the line joining two circles b) Left of the line joining two circles c) Both of the above d) None of the above 23 / 50 23. The total cost versus time curve of an activity is: a) A straight line b) A parabola c) U-shaped curve d) Γê⌐-shaped curve 24 / 50 24. Crashing of the project means: a) Reducing the completion time by expending more resources b) Reducing the project cost by delaying the completion time c) Reducing the project size to save resources d) Reducing the project cost by reducing the completion time 25 / 50 25. Muster rolls are used for: a) To pay wages of workers employed on a daily basis b) To record the daily construction activities c) To evaluate the construction activities d) To evaluate the performance of workers 26 / 50 26. For completion of a project, the critical path of the network represents: a) Minimum time b) Maximum time c) Maximum cost d) Minimum cost 27 / 50 27. CPM adopts: a) Deterministic approach b) Probabilistic approach c) Fantastic approach d) All of the above 28 / 50 28. The time by which the particular activity can be delayed without affecting the preceding and succeeding activities is known as: a) Interfering float b) Independent float c) Total float d) Free float 29 / 50 29. Military organization is known as: a) Line organization b) Line and staff organization c) Functional organization d) None of the above 30 / 50 30. The salient feature of functional organization is: a) Strict adherence to specifications b) Separation of planning and deficiency c) Each individual maintains a functional design part d) All of the above 31 / 50 31. If the probability factor is zero, the chances of completing the project in scheduled time are: a) 0% b) 50% c) 75% d) 100% 32 / 50 32. PERT technique of network analysis is useful for: a) Small projects b) Large projects c) Research and development projects d) All of the above 33 / 50 33. At an event other than the final event, if no activity emerges, it results in an error called: a) Looping b) Dangling c) Interfacing d) Splicing 34 / 50 34. Free float is the: a) Portion of independent float b) Portion of positive total float c) Portion of interfering float d) All of the above 35 / 50 35. The minimum number of consulting firms for the direct purchase of services is: a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 36 / 50 36. Type of organization used in the construction industry is: a) Line organization b) Line and staff organization c) Functional organization d) None of the above 37 / 50 37. Negative slack occurs: a) When a deficiency of resources exists b) When the latest allowable time is greater than the earliest expected time c) When events stick to their schedule d) None of the above 38 / 50 38. The mean coincides with the node if the frequency distribution curve is: a) Normal b) None of the above c) Symmetrical d) Unsymmetrical 39 / 50 39. The square root of the variance is known as: a) Deviation b) Standard deviation c) Mode d) None of the above 40 / 50 40. The overall in-charge of an organization at the site responsible for the execution of works is: a) Executive engineer b) Engineer c) Junior engineer d) Sub-overseer 41 / 50 41. Standard deviation when the optimistic time is 1 day, pessimistic time is 11 days, and most likely time is 3 days: a) 2 days b) 3.5 days c) 3 days d) 1.67 days 42 / 50 42. The reduction in project time normally results in: a) Decreasing the direct cost and increasing indirect cost b) Increasing the direct cost and decreasing the indirect cost c) Increasing the direct cost and indirect cost both d) Decreasing the direct cost and indirect cost both 43 / 50 43. The relation between jobs of a particular type and various durations they have consumed for completion is expressed by: a) Normal distribution curve b) Beta distribution curve c) Frequency distribution curve d) None of the above 44 / 50 44. PERT is: a) Activity-oriented b) Event-oriented c) Time-oriented d) Resources-oriented 45 / 50 45. The time corresponding to the minimum total project cost is: a) Normal time b) Crash time c) Optimistic time d) Between normal and crash time 46 / 50 46. Which of the following is an activity in a CPM network: a) Concrete cured b) Walls plastered c) Excavation for foundation d) All of the above 47 / 50 47. A frequency distribution curve: a) Having a single lump is called a uninodal curve b) If symmetrical is called a normal curve c) If unsymmetrical is called a skew curve d) All of the above 48 / 50 48. In CPM: a) Time optimization is given prime importance b) Cost optimization is given prime importance c) Cost is directly proportional to time d) All of the above 49 / 50 49. The variance will be zero if: a) Each individual deviation is zero b) Sum of deviation is zero c) Standard deviation is zero d) None of the above 50 / 50 50. The main advantage of line organization is: a) Effective command and control defined responsibilities at all levels b) Ability to make quick decisions at all levels c) Strict discipline in the Organization d) All of the above Please provide accurate information so we can send your Achievement Certificate by mail. NameEmailPhone Number Your score is Share your achievement! LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart Test Please provide your feedback. Thank you for your valuable feedback. 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